||chapter five|| p.2

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"Hey, you okay?" Mike asked Will.
"Huh? Oh.. sure" Will said.
"Sure isn't good enough for me." Mike replied.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I just-- we're hanging out with some random girl" Will answered, finally. As he kicked a pebble on the train tracks.

"You shouldn't have let her hang out with us."

"Yeah, but I didn't know what to say!" He said.
"You could've been like 'oh I'm sorry Max we have to go to school'.." Will mocked.

"Why are you acting like this?" Mike asked.
"Acting like what?" Will said, playing dumb.

"Like your jealous."

"....Jealous.....?" Will said.

"Hey, um.. I'm gonna go." Max said, she was listening to their whole conversation.. but who couldn't? They were talking like it was just them.


"Okay" will said.

"Wow Will, what happened to you?" Mike said.

Mike turned around and walked away.

Will knew he was acting jealous, mostly because he was.
His heart ached and he felt terrible.


But mikes question was right, Where did the other Will go?
I can't believe I really was that rude.
I didn't try and stop him, because I didn't know what to say. I was jealous and I was so rude to Max, I wish I could change it all. I wish I could go back in time and just stop myself. But I can't..

I sat down and looked at the nature that was around me, my mom would be so upset if she knew I was in basically the middle of nowhere.. missing school... all alone now.

My thoughts got interrupted by a loud train whistle I was tied up by slugs from the upside down!

I tried to break through but I shortly gave up after I came to the realization that I had no control. Then like that..

I was hit by a train.

I sprung up from my "episode" I still was having those "episodes" but this time it felt so real, but they always did. But this time, I was almost fully convinced that it is WAS REAL.

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