|| Chapter two ||

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Mike's POV

"Truth or dare?" I asked Will.

"hmm..truth." Will said, of course.

"this is back to the "crush" conversation, have you ever liked your friends boyfriend/girlfriend?" I asked, what a stupid question but I wanted to know..and I was going to find out one way or another.

"No one has had a girlfriend or boyfriend before, so..nope" Will said.

"Truth or dare?" Will asked me.

"Eh, truth I guess." 

"What is the most Embarrassing thing you've done?" Will asked smiling.

I couldn't really even think of one, maybe because there was a lot.

"When I had to sit all alone during kindergarten at lunch..worst day of my life" I said chuckling.

"What a sad, sad, sad story." Will said laughing.

"Until Will the wise sat by me the next day, it was some what better" I said, joking.

"WOW!" Will said, joking.

"Will, I'm bored." I said after we got all of our laughter out.

"It's not that late..plus I'm not even tired..so" I added.

"I don't know, maybe we could-"

"Wanna ride bikes?" I asked, I didn't feel like it was a terrible idea. Besides, we would be together so it would be safer. But I know one thing I would never do, which is make Will so something he didn't want or pressure him.

"Okay" Will answered.

"Are you sure you wanna?" I asked.

"Yeah but, I don't have a bike." Will said.

"You can ride with me, then we'll stop my Lucas's and steal - borrow his." I said.

Will nodded, we would be back soon so I wasn't worried that Lucas would go anywhere. Maybe at that girl Max's house.

Will's POV

I hoped on the back of Mike's bike and held onto him. It was perfect outside, not to cold nor hot. 

"Do you think Max is cool?" I asked.

"I don't know her...but hopefully Dustin and Lucas won't spend all of their time on her and forget about us." Mike said.

It was selfish..but I prefer there would be no Lucas or Dustin. They are good friends, but..they could be loud a lot. Well -- mostly Dustin, Lucas not so bad. But I hated Lucas's Sarcastic remarks and REAL eye rolls. But sometimes those could be good traits..I think.

Mike isn't loud, he knows I hate loud screams and yells. Mike also isn't sarcastic..well not to me anyway, he knew that I hated it. He's also loyal and kind. I could see why Eleven liked him. Based on the stuff the three boys have told me, Eleven was a pretty strong girl. Something I will never be, strong.

"You okay Will?" Mike said as he interrupted my thoughts -- I'm glad he did, before I started to cry.

"Yeah..I'm okay. Just thinking" I said.


"Huh?" I asked.

"What were you thinking about?" Mike asked.

"Life, I guess" I answered.

"Life is good Will right? You're okay right? You aren't sad or mad at me or anyone? Right??" Mike asked, in a panicky matter.

"Yes Mike. I'm alright." I said smiling.

"You passed his house" I said confused.

"You can ride there, and plus his bike wasn't out there" Mike answered me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, not really caring because as long as I was with Mike I was happy.

"Where ever the moon takes us, Will." Mike said.

The fresh cool air blowing on my face as Mike peddled faster and faster felt like a sense of freedom. Mostly because I was never able to do this stuff, not anymore. And I hated it - despised of it actually. I hate how everyone is treating me like I can't handle myself or that I can't me independent -- that I'm a baby.

"A full moon" Mike said.

"Wow, that's pretty!" I said

Not as pretty as you wheeler

"I feel free" I said.

"How?" Mike asked.

"Because my mom won't let me do this, ever." I answered, truthfully

"I'm sick of everyone treating me like a baby -- like I can't handle myself -- I want everything to be back to normal Mike." I said, truthfully.

"Me too. But I'm afraid that -- that won't happen, sometimes I want to take all the history from that week and burn it. But it happened for a reason, I can only think of one reason I love." Mike said.

It was probably something about Eleven -- wait what am I doing I can't be jealous.

"What's the reason?" I asked, of course I did.

"We spend more time together." Mike said, I knew that he wasn't lying. Which made me feel good.

"One- because your mom trusts me. Two- I wanna spend time with you, because that week made me realize you never know when something like that will happen, or if it's there last day. And Three- because Dustin and Lucas are to busy stalking Max and probably coordinating every spot she has been or is bound to go." Mike said smiling.

I laughed, and smiled, and my pale skin turns rosy on my cheeks.

"Wow, we're out of Hawkins." I said.

"Oh, should we turn back?" Mike asked.

"Let's sit at that bench over in that park." I said.

Mike slowed down and we arrived and sat at the bench.

"Are you scared to sleep Will?" Mike asked.

"well, it's hard for me to sleep." I answered.

"So how do you go to sleep?" Mike asked.

"Some night's I get lucky and dream about a dream, but a lot of nights...I just lay there." I said.

"Just..lay there...with your thoughts?" Mike asked.

"Yep" I answered.

"Do you fall asleep?" I asked Mike.

"Yeah - I do. But when I can't fall asleep I go for a bike ride, then when I get back I feel somewhat relaxed." He answered.

"I wished I could do that, every night. I would." I said.

"Hey - maybe every night we can go on a bike ride." Mike said smiling

"Yeah...I would love that Mike" I said smiling.

We got onto Mike's bike and headed back.

I was excited to have bike rides with mike every night, I really was.

We made it back, everyone was asleep. So we headed up to Mike's room.

"You can sleep up here." Mike said.

"With - With you?" I asked.

"Yeah" Mike smiled.

We laid down and Mike shut off his light.

"Good night Will Byers." Mike said.

"Good night Mike Wheeler" I said with a smile.

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