|| Chapter 13 (final) ||

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I made a huge mistake..

I looked down at my watch and saw that it was only a few minutes till 7.

I then jumped on my bike and drove as fast as I could to Will's house.

I kept going over the words I would say.

I made a mistake Will, I like you

I'm sorry

Forgive me for me being ignorant

None of them seem to be right

I arrived at his house, I knocked on his window, I could feel my breaths shortening.

Will looked outside.

I could tell he was shocked.

He opened the window.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

I got in his bedroom.

"W-Will I-"

Before I could finish there was a knock on his door.

"Will let's go!" Joyce said.

Will looked at me, I got the cue to leave fast.


It was English class, and I couldn't take my eyes off of Will.

I still finding the words to say to him.

I like you a lot, I'm sorry I was stupid

I really like you Will, I was selfish.

I was confused

I started daydreaming, not paying attention to the teacher who had the most boring voice I could possibly think of.

When the bell rang I quickly tried to catch up with Will.

When I did I grabbed a hold of his hand.

"Follow me" I said when he turned around.

I slowly let go of his hand.

We stood outside.

"Mike We have..-"

"Will this is more important" I cut him off.

I got on my bicycle.

"hop on" I said.

I drove to the valley.

"Mike I'm confused" He said when he hoped off the bike.

I held both of his hands.

"I really like you." I begun.

"And when I said that..that it wouldn't work..I said that because I was afraid that you were ashamed because you didn't like me like that.."

"I was hurt." I finished.


"it's okay" Will softly said.

We both smiled.

"I'm serious Will." I said.

"I'm serious too" He said with a little smile on his face.

I gently let go of his hands.

I could tell Will was happy again

I leaned in closer, Will mimicked.

And we kissed.

I closed my eyes and mentally smiled.

We pulled away and headed back to school.


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