|| Chapter 10 ||

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Mike's POV

I was still shocked at myself after me and Will's moment. If I'm being completely  honest I've wanted to kiss him for ages, but I guess today I wanted to take a risk and be honest as to how I felt about Will. How whenever I had to forcefully call Will my "best friend" How I wanted him to be more than just my best friend was eating me up inside.

But now, everything changes.

I'm not sure if it will be a good change, but it's a change I've wanted. And, it's..finally..here.

"Are you okay?" Will said, interrupting my day dreaming and thinking.

"What?" I said not recalling what he said previous minutes before.

Why was I so nervous? 

But I did just do something only I had dreamed about. 

"Are you okay?" He asked once again.


In words I cannot say how much I really truly meant that answer.

"More than okay Will." I answered truefully once more.

I took his hand and held it.

His hands were so soft, my heart beated twice as fast. 

What was I getting myself into~

"I know you'll probably say no..." I begun.

"But lets go somewhere else?" I finished.

I could see he was still caught off by what previously had happened.

He finally snapped back into reality and took a deep breath.

"Yes." Will finally spoke.

We didn't hang around any longer and head to the train tracks. We then sat down and put our bookbags aside.

"We're going to get in trouble Mike. Again.." Will said, I could tell he wanted to be here, yet he didn't want to disappoint his mom, which I didn't blame him.

"Okay.. wanna go?" I said as I got up.

Will quickly got up and placed hid hand on mine.

"Don't go!" Will said.

I was confused.
Did he want to attend class?
Or did he want to take a risk and skip?

Will's POV

I didn't want him to leave me, I felt like he wouldn't come back.

"Mike, please don't go.."

"Okay" he replied with a soft gentle voice.

He pulled me closer to him and once again we shared a kiss.

Since I wasn't as nervous as our recent kisses, I could really enjoy it.

I felt a spark of a Electricity-like feeling going through my body.

Everything was going perfect.

That's why I'm scared.

Because In life whenever you think everything is perfect and nothing could ever go wrong, something has to ruin it.

So, I was scared to get attached to Mike. Except, I'm afraid it's already happened.

It's funny, how within minutes your life can change.

Yet In only seconds your life can get destroyed.

I stopped myself from thinking of worst case scenario and held the beautiful boys hand a little tighter.

"What do you wanna do?" Mike asked.

"I wanna lay down, and look at the clouds with you" I replied with a smile.

He smiled back.

When we found a spot where we could comfortably lay, we then laid down and look up into the partly-cloudy sky.

I quickly say a whole bunch of animals. One cloud was a.. dinosaur and Mike said another looked like a toaster, weird. 

"Isn't it weird?" I said

"What?" Mike asked.

"That everyone has a different perspective, how everyone's mind tends to work differently" I said. 

"That's a bit deep Will, you okay?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just, when you go to deep into your mind it can take you to a dark place." Mike explained, he had a great point.

I sat up and looked down at Mike.

"I'm great Mike, don't worry" I truthfully said.

Mike just smiled.

Ironically the sun decided to come out, and the clouds disappeared. Instantly it felt beautiful.

I stood up and look at the beautiful boy that was still laying down, I held my hand out and then he got up.

We looked into each other's eyes with love, nothing but silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Mike then lend closer towards me, I mimicked him till our soft lips met once more.

My heart still skipped a beat, and the electricity didn't go away.


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