|| Chapter three ||

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"Will" Mike said

"Willll" Mike said, again.

"WILLIAM" Mike said once again causing Will to jump.

"What Mike." Will said barely awake.

"Good morning to you too!" Mike said smiling.

"It's school time Byers." Mike said getting out of his bed.

Will groaned and finally forced himself out of Mike's bed. 

"Oh my lord Mike it is so early!" Will said looking at Mike's Panasonic alarm clock.

"What time is it?" Mike asked.

"Shouldn't you know?" Will asked raising a eyebrow.

"Oh -- um yeah I totally looked at the clock..." Mike lied.

"Don't lie. Admit it you woke me up from my beauty sleep because???" Will said with a giggle and smile.

"...Because...I may or may not have been lonely.." Mike said looking down.

Mike handed some of Will's clothes that he left at Mike's from the last time he stayed.

"You still have these?" Will said confused.

"Yeah, for situations like this" Mike said as he looked for some clothes to wear.

"Wow you're sooo sweet" Will said sarcastically, even know he meant it. 

"I know!" Mike said smiling.

Mike opened the door and went to his bathroom.

"Mike? Where are you going!" Will said.

"Changing in the bathroom because it's colder in here!" Mike replied as he was walking.

It was already freezing since it was so early, so Mike didn't want Will to freeze.

Will got dressed and took Mike's comb to brush his hair. 

"Backkk" Mike said barging in.

"Wow, I could've been changing." Will said.

"Yeah..?" Mike said confused.

Will just looked at him confused.

"It's still early, so we need to find something to kill time. My mom isn't up to make some good breakfast..so..yeah" Mike said.

Will completely ignored Mike and went to his kitchen.

"What a nice reply Will" Mike said as he followed him.

"I'm not making you breakfast Michael." Will said.

"If you cared about me then you would!" Mike said looking at Will with puppy dog eyes.

"No, because if I didn't then you would starve and finally make yourself food which is called being independent and I would be helping you with a important life trait!" Will said giving a cheesy smile.

"Ohh - yeah that's good logic" Mike said.

Will and Mike walked down to the basement and turned the light on.

A hard knock, knocked on the back door.

"Dustin.." Mike and Will sighed.

"COME IN DUSTIN!" Mike said loud enough for him to hear.

"Hello ladies" Lucas greeted.

Will instantly missed it just being him and Mike.

"Why are you two up so early" Lucas asked.

"Why are you two up early" Mike asked.

"Spying" Dustin said.

"Dustin was, then he came and woke me up" Lucas said.

"So, why were you up?" Lucas asked Mike and Will.

"Don't you understand Lucas?" Dustin said.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"They were sucking face!" Dustin said.

Mike and Will rolled their eyes.

"Told ya" Dustin whispered.

Will heard Mrs.Wheeler talking on the phone with someone.

He instantly got bad thoughts. Was his mom missing? Did she make it home? Was she kidnapped? Or..Or was she...did..she..-

He stopped him from thinking that last thought.

"You okay Will?" Mike asked.

Will rushed up to Mrs.Wheeler who just got off the phone.

Mike following him.

"D-Did my mom - did she make it home last night? Is she safe?!" Will asked with a lump in his throat.

"She made it home, she's sick though. Johnathan called and asked how you were doing" Mrs.Wheeler said.

"Then where do I go after school?" Will asked.

"Maybe Mike can take you home?" Mrs.Wheeler said, looking at Mike.

"Yeah..Yeah! I could do that." Mike said.

"Excited are we?" Mrs.Wheeler said raising a eyebrow.

"Well breakfast is ready, feel free to eat Will" Mrs.Wheeler said.

Something wasn't right...

Right now in life all Will is, is confused. He didn't understand why he didn't want to be around Dustin and Lucas anymore..he use to love hanging out with them. He didn't understand why he started questioning Mrs.Wheeler about his mom...

But he really didn't know..how he would tell his best friend he was in love with him...

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