|| chapter Six ||

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"Ugh" Will groaned, as he placed his hand on his head.

He remembered where he was, alone in the woods on a train track...with no Mike.

He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't just having a dream, he wasn't.

"Mike?! MIKE! MIKE" Will shouted as he got up.

"Why the hell would he leave me." Will said to himself.

"MIKE!" He said once more.

Will finally gave up and decided to head...somewhere. He heard a noise, it sounded like someone was walking and stepped on some leaves or maybe a stick...classic.

"Hello?" Will barely shouted, what was that gonna do?

"oof" Someone said.

For some dumb reason Will decided it was best to walk towards the noise.



"WILL!" Mike shouted from behind him.

"AHHH!" Will screamed as he fell on his back.

Mike laughed.

"Mike! How - why would you leave me alone then thought it was a good idea to scare me!?" Will asked.

"I felt bad." Mike shrugged.

"Here" Mike helped him up.

"Why did you feel bad?" Will asked.

"Because I kinda yelled at you" 

"You didn't yell, just...-"

"Got upset." Mike finished Will's sentence.

Will shrugged. 

"It's fine Mike, you had every right to get upset" Will said, meaning it.

"Yeah, you were kinda a ass..." Mike said smiling.

Will playfully punched him, they of course giggled.

They both "accidentally" fell onto a pile of leaves.



"I think- I think I maybe........

"I'm hungry" Mike finished.

Will laughed.

"My hunger is not a laughing matter!" Mike said, playfully pouting.

"ha. I don't feel like going home..." Will said out of nowhere.

"Why wouldn't you wanna go home in a comfy bed...with....fooodddddddd" Mike said.

"Because I like it here with you." Will said.

"Me too" Mike agreed.

Mike leaned in closer to Will.

But before Mike could get any closer they heard footsteps, heavy ones.

"W-We - um - should...RUN" Will said.

Will held a hold of mike's hand without even hesitating, and then they ran, fast.

They both hid behind a huge rock.

"What do you think it is - a big bear?" Mike whispered.

"Shh!" Will shushed.

"So I guess nothing is going to attack us. So let's go and eat?" Mike said.

"Okay but you're going first because it would be your fault if we died out here." Will said after a few minutes of silence.

"What? But all I want it-"


"I get it."

Mike nodded.

"Let'sssssssss gooooooo!" Mike said excited to FINALLY have food.

They walked until they found the train tracks they were walking on earlier.

"So um...Will"


"Where are we going?" 

Without saying anything.

Will gave out a big sigh.  

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