Chapter XI- Baby

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Blue's P.O.V

It was a fine morning. Man I'm sore. Last night Dust weeeelll.....fucked me so yeah.


"Aaaahh~! Dust! More~! Harder!" I moaned. "I'm close!" He grunted. "Me t-too!" I moaned. He climaxed and he filled me to the brim....

Flashback End~

Blue's P.O.V still~

Aaaaaaaa........nevermind. Blush rose to my face. I kissed Dust's forehead and went out of bed. I felt someone grab my wrist. I turn to see Dust. He was half-awake. "Don't gooooooo...... five more months......... pleeeaasee" Dust groaned pulling me to him. We were both naked soooo....ummm...yea. "Dust? Wake up!" I said. "Noooooo!!" He whined. I got up and flipped the mattress.

He fell off. "Aahhh!! Ouch!!" Dust groaned. "Serves you right lazybones" I said shaking my head in disapproval. "C'mon Dust!" I said getting up and limping to the bathroom.

Time skip~

I came out to see Dust on the bed again. I sighed. I felt sick. My stomach bubbled. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Dust ran over and rubbed soothing circles on my back. After I was done I looked at Dust. I pulled up my shirt to see a light blue soul(thats the soul I think fits Sprinkle the most!). I smiled at Dust. He smiled back.

"We're having a child" I said with happy tears streaming down my face. Dust nodded. We went downstairs and I happily told the others. "WE ARE HAVING A CHILD!!!!" I cheered. Everyone gaped. Dream and Ink snapped out of it first. "OMG!!!!" Dream and Ink cheered.

"Heh! We are pretty excited!" I said. Oh dear, there is going to be alot of pain when I'm in labour. "Oh, I'm hungry" I said my stomach growling. I tried reaching for the jar of sprinkles. Dust grabbed it from the cupboard and gave it to me. I ate it straight from the jar. They all looked at me weirdly. "What? I'm craving sprinkles" I said....

Time skip 3 months~

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed. I am currently giving birth to my child. I'm also gripping Dust's hand like no tomorrow. "Aaaahhh! Ouch! Ouch! The agony!" Dust groaned. "AAHH!!" I lastly screamed. I heard a baby's cry. "Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Indigo you have a healthy baby boy!" The doctor announced. I smiled weakly.

"May I hold him?" I asked. "Of course you may! Have you both thought of a name for the little bundle of joy?" The doctor asked. "Sprinkle, Sprinkle Indigo" Dust said. "Why Sprinkle?" I asked. He chuckled. "Well because when you had our little son in your womb, all you ate were sprinkles" Dust explained. I blushed and chuckled. "Heh" I said craddling the little baby.

"Sprinkle......." I said weakly. "Here, I need some rest" I said giving Sprinkle to him but not until he opened his eyes yawning. His eyes were unique. He had on yellow pupil with blue encasing it and another one red with the same blue encasing it. "Cute....." I said as Dust carried him. I Fell asleep..

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