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A/N Bold text means it's in English


"It doesn't matter for me since I like that both side of yours."

What did she said? Like? I was taken aback by her words, and without knowing a smile was formed on my face. "Did you realize what you just said?"

"What?" She looked a bit confused, she didn't realized it yet. "What did I sai--" There she realizes it. I can see her face blushing hard. I can't help but laughing. That was so cute. 

"You know what? You're really something, Yoo." Yes. She was really something and so unpredictable. Really. I can't help but falling harder into her. I know it was a short time since the first time I met her, but now I can't hold my self back anymore. That's when i decided to tell her. "And that's what I like about you."

There I said it. She suddenly look at me, surprised. We stare at each other for a moment. I can see that why question in her eyes. I just smiled at her which makes her blushing even more.

"I've told you before when we met at your university and when we met at the cafe for the first time, I'm serious with you. But actually, I think I've fallen for you since that time you scolded me. And now the more I know you, the more greedy I became. At first, I like just talking with you, spending my free time with you. But today when I saw you talking, smiling, and laughing with the other members, I don't know why but I just don't want you to smile for them, I want you to smile just for me. I know it's not too long since we met. I myself don't understand. It's just that I want to be with you everyday, every time. Holding your hands, hug you. . . . kiss you." I stopped for a moment to see her reactions. She still blushing hard. Cute.

"Well, actually I don't plan to say it this fast, but since you are the first one who said that, I can't just lose to you like that." Her eyes grew bigger and she looks at me with a disbelief expression in her face. 

"Who did-- I don't-- Well, it's not-- I mean--" It's so fun to tease her. But before she can say any more words, I give her a little peck on her lips.

She froze. I just stare at her while giving her my grinning face. When she got her mind together again, she hits my shoulder.

"What are you doing?! there's so many people here,"

"So it's fine if there's no people?"

"Wha-- No! You-- Aishhh- I don't know!" She buried her face in her arms while holding her knees. Why so cute. I just laughed. Then it was silence for a moment. For a moment I just can hear the voices of people around us, the sound of the water fountain, and the sound of cars on the streets. And after that silence, I tried to talk to her again.

"Jiyoo, be my girlfriend?" 

She didn't react. I know she heard that, but I just let her be, giving her time to think.

After a while, she finally lift her face. She let out a deep sigh and face me with a serious expression.

"I. . . I've told you before that I've never been in relationship before right?" I tried to recall my memories. And I remember she said that in one of our meeting. So I nodded. "I do feel comfortable when I'm with you and you're the first person that ever make me feel like that since I've always been awkward with boys. And it was really fun every time that I spent with you. But truthfully, I don't really know how a thing between man and woman works in a relationship."


"If.. if we really start dating, honestly, I don't know how to treat you or how to act like a proper, you know, girlfriend, since I don't have any experiences,"


"And I don't know if I can be a good match for you, and i--"

"Jiyoo." She gasped when I suddenly said her name. "Breath, okay?"


"Listen." I grabbed her face lightly so that I can see her face properly. She tried to let go of my hands from her cheeks, but I didn't let her. I look carefully into her eyes. "You don't have to do anything, you don't have to be anyone for me. Just be yourself, like this. You don't have to worry about such things. As long as I know that you'll always be by my side, It's enough for me."

We just stared at each other for a moment until finally she said it.

"Are you really okay?" I gave her a questioning look. "I mean, are you okay with... me?"

I laughed. "If I'm not okay with you, I'm not gonna ask you to be my girlfriend at the first place." She's blushing hard again. "So, it's a yes?"

She nodded. 

"Good!" I give her another peck on her forehead spontantly. She glares at me. But I just laughed it off. "Now, let's go home. You have class tomorrow morning, right?" I stand up and offered her my hand. But she just stand up without take my hand.

"Stop smiling. it's creepy." She just left me dumbfounded and walk away from me. I try to keep up with her. We just walked side by side without any words until we arrived at the parking lot. But every time I took glance at her, I can see her blushing face. And I can't help but smiling.


When we arrived in front of her house, she told me to just stay in the car. But I didn't listen to her, instead I escort her to the front door. At her front door, we just stood there for a while. I don't know but I don't want to leave yet. But I have to since it's kinda late.

"So, I'm leaving then," She just nodded. "Good night."

"Good night." I smiled to her and when I was taking my leave, she suddenly grab my wrist. But let it go in a moment when she realizes what she just did. "Uhm. . thank you for today, and be careful." She didn't dare to look at me but I can see that her face getting red again.

That moment, I really want to hug her. But I know that she's still feel uncomfortable about that kind of things, so I just hold back. Instead I just smiled to her and nodded. "Okay, bye~"

She nodded again before enter her house and close the door. I walked back to my car while humming some melody. It's already late, but instead heading back to the dorm, I drove my car to the company. I need to hurry write and records what's in my head right now before I forgot.


End of chapter nine. I'm having hard time while writing this. Cause very time i think of a lovely moment, i cringe by my self lol. I can think of the scene but turning it into words is harder than what I think. And I don't want to make it too cringey but arhrhrhhrhrhrhr i don't now i just really can't. I don't know how to make it fluffy. 

Anyway, thank you again for reading until here :)

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