Chapter 12

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***Promise this story will get better I'm trying to get everything to make sense bye***

I felt a sharp pain in my back as I coughed up blood again.

My hands were shaking and I felt like the world was about to collapse.

"Never again..." I told myself.

"this... Now this is some major bullshit! How did this all happen its.... It's like something you see on a corny tv show or some shit!" I yelled at Harry, while he was walking towards me.

He tried to rub his hand on my shoulder but I flinched and slapped it away.

"Hell... No... Don't touch me, don't talk to me, I'm completely done with this bullshit you put me through-"

"Technically! This is your fault my dear." He replied with a smirk.

"Is this like... A super power?" I breathed.

"Don't be so idiotic Miss Luna."

I frowned, feeling a bit dumb.

"Here let me help you with your ah..." He pointed to my chest, which had a gaping hole in it at that moment.

He rested his hand in between my breast and I backed away, only to see that the hole was gone.

"Okay! That's it! I'm done!" I ran inside, and slammed the door behind me, I slid down to the floor and wrapped my arms around my legs, sobbing into them.

"This is all bullshit!" I yelled once more.


I laid in bed that night, and thought about how much blood I lost, and how there's no way I can die...

I texted Harry.

-does this mean I'm immortal?

He replied shortly after.

-I'm afraid so

I wiggled my toes, thinking...

- but isn't that impossible. I'm trying to think of this all but this is all crazy talk... I should be locked away! Holy shit...

I sent the text and waited for a moment.

- don't think about it Lu... You're immortal, and it's pretty sick!

I replied quickly and then threw my phone onto the table.

- sick? No just terrible.

Why of all people in this world... Why me?

I thought of it for a while, thinking of all this shit I've been through. Nothing is connected! Literally nothing!

Why is my life so twisted and sick and... And wrong?

The next morning I laid in bed, just laid there and cried and slept, and then cried some more.

"I'm immortal now so I don't have to eat ill just lay in bed for the rest of my life" i singsonged to myself.

Of course I'm sure Harry could hear me... I'm sure he stalks me now more than ever.

"Luna, your appointed is today, get up if you don't go I'll just have them come here!" My mother yelled from her room.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes for a minute, trying to remember everything that's ever happened to me so that maybe its crazy enough so that they will lock me away... And I'll finally be away from Veronica and Harry Styles...


I sat in on of many Cherry Hospital's holding rooms . It smelled like hand sanitizer and old people.

I turned my head and read a tiny plaque on the wall.

"Our Mission is to provide excellent, psychiatric care to individuals with the greatest need and the least resources.Our Philosophy is that, as a human service organization, anything and everything done within the hospital shall be done for the purpose of improving the quality of service to our customers.Our Vision is to be trusted and respected as the best hospital for treatment of severe mental illness."

I let out a panicked laugh and looked at my mother, who was on her phone, making reservations for me. "Would you like a room on the 1st or 2nd floor, honey?"

I scoffed. "What the hell mom, you expect me to actually stay here.... 2nd floor."

She giggled and then sat up. "The only rooms they have open are in the corners. are you afraid of corners?" She said sarcastically.

"Yes mom I am afraid of fucking corners..." I replied, looking at her with disgust.

She shrugged, and continued scrolling through her phone.

"Luna Taylor pleased come here for a moment" An old woman at the front asked.

I stood up and walked up to the large white desk.

"You dont look very dangeroud dear." She said, looking up and down at me.

"you dont have to be dangourse to have a mental deasease." I replied, tapping my head repeadedly.

she nodded in agreement and passed me a clipboard with a pen attached to it.

"I need you're mom to fill out some stuff."

I passed the papers to my mom and sat back down.

after 30 minutes I was sent into another room.


behind a glass window was a women in a gray suit, waiting for me.

"please sit down at the table and wait for me to start asking you questions.

I sat in the tiny room, waiting for her to come in, but she didnt.

a group of men stood a couple feet away from me, blocking the door. I laughed and looked around. Its literally a prison.

"Okay, Luna Taylor we are going to ask you a couple of questions, please answer truthfully, for if you don't you will put yourself, or others in danger." She said, looking down at her clipboard.

I exhaled quitley and set my hand on the table. I looked up at the woman on the other side of the glass.. she had sholder length blonde hair, and tiny glasses that rested on her nose.

The whole thing kind of went like this:

Q- Have you ever/or still do drugs?

A- Does depression pills count? no.

Q- What are you afraid of?

A. Falling in love, Heights, lots of things, not enough time.

Q- So you've obviously have had depression in the pass. Ever felt suicdal?

A- I've tried to kill myself multipul times, I'm past that.

Q- You're mom is very concern for you. Tell me everything thats happened these past few days.

A- Okay, well I've been killed multiple times, but its okay because im immortal, and also I can time travel. I've been to the sixties.'

"Okay thats more than enough, thank you... I need to talk to your Mother." She said, standing up quickly.

"You think I'm lying?" I yelled.

"No, just... making things up.." She replied, walking away from the glass.

I screwed this all up. These things actually did happen... Did they?

I felt a queezy as my mom walked in and sat down next to me. "Honey-" She whispered "They're gonna keep you here for a while, and see whats going on in that beautiful brain of yours."

I began to feel hot tears, roll down my cheeks. "It's over.." I whispered.

I wasn't sure if I should be happy, or upset. Maybe both...

"I'll show you to your room, Miss Taylor."

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