Chapter 14

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I woke up with sweat prickling the hairs of my neck. I sat up and stretched then looked at the keys next to the drawer. I was in my house, in my bed. with Tom’s keys on my drawer. I panicked and tried to leave the house, but my Mother stopped me. “Hunny where are you going?” I looked down and then back at her. “Mom should’nt I be back at the hospital?” I asked her, asuming she knew what was going on.


She shook her head. “They let you out a week ago… Hunny are you okay?”

“explain to me everything that has happened this week, please.” I begged, sitting down with her at the kitchen table. She set down her coffee cup and placed her hands on the table, and fiddled her thumbs quietly.

“The doctor called me, and said that you were perfectly fine, and that you might have been lying just to be away from harry. She saw the whole incedent with him being there the first day, and saw the fear in your eyes. You dont need to be there” She explained, pushing her blonde hair beind her ear.

She coninuted “ We got a restraining order for Harry, I have no clue why you are afraid of him, he’s done so much for you. But you begged me too, so we went to the police station and got it all done the next day. When we got home you slept and then came down for food then went right back to bed. That’s all that happend this whole week. How do you not remember this?”


I looked at her, squinting to focus on her. She looked confused, but not worried at all, like as if she knew everything that was going on. Like she was apart of something. “I have to go. See you tonight… maybe.”

I ran upstairs and changed into some pants and a tank top, slipped on my converse and ran out. I ran all the way to Harry’s house, not caring if anyone saw me. I banged on the door and a couple minutes later a groggy  Harry opened the door. At first his eyes were tired but as soon as He figured out it was me, his eyes shot wide open and he shook his head.

“Uh- hey luna, you arent suppose to be here-” I stepped inside and slammed the door. I stood right in front of him and slapped his warm cheek as hard as I could. He stumbled back and laughed.


“What the hell was that for?” He yelled, smiling his crooked smile. “Stop messing with me! I’ve been out a whole week and suddenly today i wake up in my own room? How does this happen? Stop fucking everything up. It’s like someone or something took over my body. My mother practically said i was emotionless for a whole week.” I sat down on the couch, trying not to cry.

I continued “I just want to be normal.” Harry sat down next to me and I laid my head on his lap and he stroked my hair.


“Nothing is ever going to be the same, my dear. But if you stay with me, I’ll help you cope with everything. I shook my head, I couldn’t contain my tears anymore. “How am I suppose to just leave with you.” But Harry had it all planned out.

He told me we would leave in 5 days, and that he promised my mom wouldn’t come looking for me. We’d take a plane to New York, and meet up with a couple of other people just like us.


Now I didn’t know what to say, I nodded and he told me to get some rest, and that we’d stop by my house to pick up my things.



My life has changed so much over the past few months. It went from being Normal, to living in pain and dealing with depression to living in a house that scared me so much i went mental and then falling in love with a killer all at the same time. And the person I want to be with could easily kill me right now, and I wouldn’t even mind.


“So I need to tell you something.” Harry sat down on the edge of his bed, and continued. “You’re not immortal, or dead, or any of these things. I’ve been bullshitting you for the longest time and i thought it was hilarious. All those times You thought you got yourelf to go back in time, that was me showing you what you wanted to see. I wanted you to think you were crazy, I wanted you to realize that you couldn’t live without me. I know I’m a sick man, but i want you to be with me.”


I took a step back, taking in all that I heard. I had no words, I needed time to thing, and digest all of this shit he just told me. None of it made sense.


“I just want a fresh start. With you. And I don’t care what you say, I’m going to make it happen.”




“I just want to see her, Please let me see her!” Harry yelled. I lazily opened an eye, I was in the hospital, connected to a bunch of tubes. I saw Harry and My mom, along with my dad, his wife and another boy about my age standing behind them all. Harry Noticed that I was awake and ran to my side. “what’s going on?” I whispered looking at everyone. My mother nodded and everyone left, except for Harry.


“I told you that I wanted to start over with you, and this is how I did it. But I didn’t mean for you to get hurt, i swear.” He was holding onto my hand, quietly sobbing into the bed. “What did you do to me, Harry?” I asked sternly. He looked up “Well you were in a coma for a couple of months, and then you finally woke up a couple weeks ago, but you were so out of it. It took you a while to even actually talk to anyone. They gave you some medicine and now your okay, but your gonna have to stay here for another month or so-” He carried on saying how sorry he was, but I just looked out the window and thought real hard.


“everything that happened to us, in that house and every other thing you did to me, never happened now? Im… okay?” I asked, still looking out the window. “Yes all of it, i replaced it with you and I just being together and going out on dates and you getting good grades in school, The night you fell into a coma, We were driving back from a party and a drunk driver hit the side you were on, and I guess you can assume the rest.”


I nodded. “How do you do this, Harry? You litterally just changed a whole year, and now everything is okay… How?”

He shrugged and rubed his thumb over mine. “All you need to know is that everything is different, but better. You live with your dad now and his wife. She has a kid. They moved here for you a while back. I'm so sorry  Luna." 

He reached out his hand and I grabbed it. He was so cold. "It's okay." I replied quietly.  "we're okay."  

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