What Happened in Paris?

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Here's a chapter some of you have been waiting for. What happened beteen Ella and Nate in Paris? Stay tuned to find out.

After Gossip Girl outed my Playboy past I never thought Gina's phone would be flooded with calls from IMG with messages from countless designers, brands, and fashion idols wanting me to work with them. Right after graduation I packed my bags and headed to Europe with Gina and began my fashion take over. It first started with photoshoots with Glamour then Elle, and unexpectedly Gina was contacted by Sports Illustrated who asked me to join their upcoming issue. Bart thought if the world knew about my past that they would never accept me and my career as a model would be tarnished, but he was wrong. The world embraced me more for my past then my own father because they saw me as someone who wasn't using their family's money to buy their way in. Instead, I was someone who takes risks but also can own up to any decision I make now or will make in the future.

It was the middle of summer and the Sports Illustrated cover models were being released at the unveiling party and I was thrilled to be part of a group of incredible ladies being nominated for Rookie of the Year. Today is all about the press for the unveiling party that's happening tonight. It consisted of group photoshoots and a game of beach volleyball. It was time for the party to begin and I had butterflies in my stomach the whole night worrying about if I made the cut to be named Rookie of the Year or if I landed the cover. If I did either one it would mean I'm taking a huge step towards the rest of my life. It could open more doors for me and allow me to build my own empire away from Bart's memory.

"Ella, you look amazing. No matter what happens tonight your career is taking off!" Gina exclaims.

"Thank you, again for all the work you've done for me these past few months

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"Thank you, again for all the work you've done for me these past few months." Gina waves her hand at me.

"Darling, it was nothing. You're one of my best clients and I've been with you since the beginning. I told you at our first meeting that I saw something in you that I've never seen in any young talent that has come my way." I hug Gina anyway. No matter how annoying she can be she has been one of the few people in my life that have always had my best interest at heart.

"Come on no need to get emotional now, we have a party to get to and you need to be photo ready."

I was blinded by the photographer's flashes going off as all the models arrived. I almost feared that I was going to trip but I was thankfully saved.

"Thank you, you have no idea how bad that would have been if I face planted before I even made it to the door."

"No problem I uh..."

"Nate?" I look up to see a surprised Nate looking down at me.

"Ella, what are you doing here?" He helps me stand upright and leads us towards the door away from the cameras.

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