Happiness Has to End

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Sorry, for the long-awaited update. I was finding it hard to give you all the best possible last season three chapter. I hope you like this and I can't wait to share with you the drama I have planned for season four. Like in my description Gossip Girl has her eyes set on Ella and it will be in full swing in season four.


Last minute photo shoot caused me to reschedule my girls weekend with Blair. She was upset, to say the least, but from the phone calls, I got from her on my plane ride back I missed a bunch of drama. It doesn't surprise me, but it was interesting, to say the least. Serena's dad wanted his family back that he committed fraud to do it. What surprised me about the whole situation is the amount of faith Serena, Lily and even Eric placed in William. A man who left him when things got hard. They trusted a man who they haven't known in years over Rufus. Blair told me how surprised she was when some lady in Serena's building accused Rufus of cheating on Lily with her. I thought it was ridiculous it was for someone to accuse Rufus of such lies, but of course Serena and Lily believed her. They had no facts about it other than hearsay.

I've never understood Serena's blind faith in every man she meets. There's having daddy issues but that doesn't mean you must be oblivious to the fact the people lie no matter how much you want to believe they don't. I've lived in the same building with my father for years, but the closest we ever got was the last year of his life and even then, it was like I never knew him. Serena is chasing after a relationship with her dad when all of it was based on lies. You can't erase years of abandonment because you want to live in a perfect world.

I just got back from Europe when I saw Blair waiting outside my apartment doorsteps. She looks distraught as she sees the limo. I don't wait for Arthur to help me out I rush to my friend who practically tackles me to the ground.

"Ella, he's really broken my heart this time." She sobs into my shoulder. I look to Arthur and he nods understanding as he gather's my bag from the trunk. I lead Blair inside as she continues to cry. People in the lobby stare at us but I rush us to the elevator as soon as possible.

"How could he do something so vile. I was going to tell him I love him and..." I took Blair's coat and sit her down on one of the couches with a blanket wrapped around her.

"B, please can you start from the beginning." I plead with her as she finally stops crying to compose herself.

"Your demon spawn of a brother made me feel like...like...something I've never felt for anyone. And then goes and betrays me like that."

"B, what did Chuck do?" I grip her hand and squeeze it tight. Her eyes are streaming with tears and red and puffy.

"He slept with that trashy whore of a Brooklyn wannabe!" Blair is borderline hysterical now.

"Why would he sleep with Jenny?"

"To get back at me for not meeting him in time to tell him I love him! It wasn't my fault Dorota went into labor and now he goes and betrays me like that!" I bring Blair into a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm going to kill him." I hold her tight and never let go, as her tears stream down her face and soak my shirt.

"I'll help." In that moment, we shared the first laugh this whole night.

I left Blair to cry herself to sleep on my bed as I went with Arthur to track down Chuck. I may not understand the whole situation, but I need to understand why my brother would do such a thing as sleep with Jenny.

I find him in his room at the Empire destroying things in his penthouse and professing profanity. He doesn't even notice me as I walk in.

"What are you doing?" I ask blatantly stopping him in his tracks from destroying another painting.

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