Selling Of an Empire

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Here's another hint for Ella's mystery man. He has beautiful eyes and makes Ella weak at the knees thinking about them. Thank you for all the votes and comments.

While Blair spent her break spending time with Dan I used my time off work to dedicate myself to helping Nate with adjusting The Captain to life after prison. Serena as well as I have been avoiding Lily as much as possible. I even blocked her number for the time being since she kept calling every day trying to apologize for going behind my back. I needed time away from her before I spoke to her again. I need to clear my head and make sure what I say next to her isn't too harsh, but at the same time keeping true to myself. Helping the Captain is keeping me away from family drama. I haven't heard from Serena other than her having no luck tracking down the judge who signed the affidavit. Val and I weren't able to spend Christmas this year together. Our schedules just didn't match up, but I surprised him in L.A. for New Years. We danced the night away under the fireworks and I hated leaving him. I thought our time apart would make our time together better, but it makes it harder to leave him. I wished more than anything that our lives didn't keep us on the opposite sides of the country, but sadly that's what we have.

"Nate when is your dad getting a job? It's part of his parole sentence. He needs to have a full-time job and not be partying it up like his sixteen again." Nate and I are hauling up packages for his da once again.

"You've been with me this whole break. He keeps telling me that he's doing it, but obviously, he hasn't done anything. I want to be stern with him, but it's hard with what he's been through."

"Nate, your dad wasn't innocent when he went to prison. He committed the crime and now he's done his time but he needs to get back to work."

"I know you're right Ella, and I appreciate everything you've done for my dad and me."

"Nate, you and The Captain are families. I will always help you whenever you need it." Nate and I make it up to the penthouse at The Empire and met with his dad playing Wii with two of the hotel staff members.

"Ella, Nate. Come join us."

"Can't Captain, Nate and I need to call my brother to see when his flight lands."

"One game? I remember you and Nate would always beat me at tennis."

"Not this time."

"That's alright. Hey, thank you again for being such a great friend to Nate. He and I appreciate everything you and your brother have done for us."

"It's the least I could do for you. Have you given any second thought on a job?" The Captain scratches his head.

"You know, I have but I still need more time."

"You're right. I've noticed these past few weeks you and Nate have gotten closer." What in the hell is he getting at?

"It has been nice to catch up with Nate again." The Captain motions for me to join him on the couch.

"Nate has been the happiest he's ever been when he's with you."

"I love spending time with Nate. We've been best friends since we were kids."

"But you're not kids anymore."

"I'm sorry, Captain I'm not sure where you're getting at."

"Ella, you're an amazing young woman. You're driven, successful, compassionate and everything Anne and I would ever want for Nate. I know Nate shared his feelings with you, but you never returned them."

"Nate and I are just friends and I'm in a relationship with Val. I'm sure Nate has told you about him, they're even friends. Nate and he even went to a Knicks game."

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