Mother of the Year

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Here comes the mother of drama. Enjoy.

Our worst fear and possible best news all in one were discovering that Elizabeth Fisher was indeed our mother. With further digging Chuck and I could find the truth, but why would she keep lying to our faces like she has been? And even if she did tell us her reason, should I even take it into consideration. No parent should not want their child, and if so they should fake their own death. Her death has caused so much unnecessary pain over the years for Chuck and me, and frankly, we've done just fine without her. Chuck insisted I head back with him to the Empire to discuss what we should do next. I didn't expect for our friends to be huddled in Chuck's living room discussing us.

 I didn't expect for our friends to be huddled in Chuck's living room discussing us

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"Who's Elizabeth Fisher?"

"Her name used to be Evelyn." Chuck states making our entrance into the living room.

"She is our mother." I finish.

"Elle, Chuck, how is that even possible?" Nate asks us in disbelief. Chuck is playing with the other half of Elizabeth's locket that has her holding the two of us when were just born. "Bart told you two your mother died."

"He also told me kids wear suits to kindergarten."

"And that blue-chip stocks are great for birthday gifts." I add.

"He told us what he wanted us to believe." Chuck holds my hand as we approach our friends. We take our seats as we ready ourselves to explain what's been happening to us.

"Chuck ran into a woman at Bart's grave and tracked her down. She told us she was just one of Bart's friends, but I guess." I seem to find the floor very interesting as Chuck continues to play with the locket.

"Are you two okay?" Nate asks out of concern.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Chuck states like it's nothing.

"Neither of you seem excited. After all this time of thinking your mother is gone, now you two have a second chance." Serena thinks everyone wants to know the parent who left, but Chuck and I see it as a blessing. If she couldn't love us as babies why should we give her the chance to love us now? She had nineteen years to find us and she always knew where we were and yet she never did.

"A chance for what? Why even come back?" Chuck is getting worked up. I place a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"She's here now. Who cares why?"

"We care Serena. She's not your mother so you have no reason to care if we want anything to do with her!" I snap not being able to hold it in any longer.

"E, Serena is just..."

"No, what she's doing is projecting her issues on Chuck and me. She may want to know why her father left her family but I for one don't give a damn why our so-called mother abandoned us when we were born!" It's Chuck's turn to calm me down.

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