Mother Who?

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Never trusted Elizabeth and hated how much she hurt Chuck.

Chuck is embracing having Elizabeth back in our lives more than I. I've been civil with her but I haven't gone out of my way to get to know her. She's tried to set up lunch dates or meet me after one of my classes for coffee, I've dogged her calls or made up an excuse why I can't. Chuck scolded me for avoiding Elizabeth. He may be ready to accept her in his life but I still have resentment towards a woman who didn't want us. I'll sit in the same room with her, but calling her mother won't happen anytime soon. To make matters worse, the Historical Society is honoring Bart tonight. Chuck wants to invite Elizabeth on our behalf, but I feel it may be weird for her, but he can go ahead and ask her.

Chuck's way of asking Elizabeth consisted me having to spend the day with him and Blair as we show her around the city.

"I can't believe the fuss they made over you at Turnbull and Asser." Elizabeth gushes over Chuck being well liked at his favorite tie and shirt shop.

"I should hope so. Prince William and I practically put the manager's daughter through college."

"Well, I had a lovely time."

"Actually, there's something Chuck and Ella would like to ask you." Blair nudges me and I take it as my cue to give Elizabeth the invitation.

"The Historical Society is dedicating a gallery to Bart tonight."

"We understand it might be awkward for you to go to an event where our father's being honored. Lily would be there and..."

"I'd love to come." Chuck has a giant smile on his face hearing her accept his offer. "Charles, Eloise, this is why I'm here. I want to be as much a part of your lives as you'll let me." Elizabeth looks to me and it doesn't faze me.

"Mr. Bass!" We all turn to the direction of reporters running towards us.

"Mr. Bass, did you pay off women you sexually harassed?"

"Did you receive sex in exchange for promotions?"

"Is it true?" Chuck is mortified and I'm standing there in shock. Who would say such a thing about Chuck? Sure, he was a womanizer but that was with prostitutes he would never do that now as a business owner. I know he's had a troubled past, but he's changed.

"Look, this is a lie. I'll explain later." Chuck users all of us away from the press as they shove their cameras and microphones in our faces.

"Miss. Bass, were you aware of your brother's actions? Did he do them to you?" I was ready to respond but Chuck blocks me from going after them.

"They're not worth it. I will fix this." Chuck helps me to the safety of the hotel.

Chuck is scourging through the lawsuit paperwork.. I was reading over them as a second eye to see for myself what these allegations against my brother are.

"Chuck these are ridiculous? How can anyone believe this garbage?" I state in frustration.

"I have no idea but I need this all to go away soon."

"There you two are." I don't even look up from the file in my hands. I have no desire to see Jack.

"I would have been here sooner, but I got distracted reading some of those protestors signs. I never realized how many sex puns you could make out of the name Chuck Bass. Don't' worry it'll blow over in a couple of weeks." Jack turns to me and has his typical smirk gracing his face. "Oh, lovely to see Ella, but it seems like I've seen a lot of you with all your work for one of my favorite magazines. I enjoyed the spread." I want to smack that smug look off his face, but Chuck grabs my hands holding me back from harming our uncle.

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