Love or War

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Happy holiday's and enjoy this new chapter.

I was thankful that I left for work during Chuck and Blair's war against each other. I could not stand their petty bullshit. This tit for tat game that goes on between them is getting old and I don't have the time or the need to waste my time with this. Apparently, during my time away I missed a lot of drama, which I'm thankful for, but it means I must play catch up. Blair and Chuck are still going at it and Serena has found herself as a new man who just happens to be her English Lit professor. I don't think it's wise for her to pursue a relationship with a teacher especially after she told me about Vanessa trying to get her expelled from Columbia with using sex for grades. On top of all the drama, it's also Blair's birthday as well as Lily and Rufus' first anniversary.

My flight landed just in time for me to quickly change before heading over to the Waldorf's. Blair's party was in full swing and the guest list was full of well-known fashion designers, socialites, and apparently, the whole Columbia faculty.

"Ella, darling I'm so happy you could make it." Lily spots me in the crowd.

"Lily, Rufus happy anniversary." I greet.

"Thank you, Lily told me you were away for work for a week."

"Yes, I had a magazine shoot and finalizing some papers for a contract I've been working on."

"Ella!" Eric greets me and we hug it out as we discuss everything that's gone on since we've last seen each other. Thankfully we all move to the food table and begin munching on the amazing food. I've been busy working that I haven't had a decent meal and its heaven in my mouth as I devour the mini quiches.

"Son! What are you doing here?" We all look up to see Dan coming our way.

"I could say the same to you. I thought you were gonna be having your romantic night alone at home." I looked up from my plate of food for their responses.

"Eleanor convinced them to come celebrate among friends."

"Oh, no, but you but you can't stay here. It's bad luck. You know, everything here is on China and crystal. You gotta go home and celebrate on paper plates as planned"

"Humphrey, who knew you were so superstitious." I joke with my friend trying to lighten the mood, but he still seems stressed about something.

"Let's face it. Our plan to stay at home was pretty depressing." Lily and Rufus leave for the desserts.

"Hey? Why didn't you warn me that they were coming?" Dan asks Eric.

"Why would he need to warn you?" Dan freezes not knowing what to say.

"Um, no reason, but uh..."

"I didn't think I needed to. I mean you didn't actually go through with it, did..." Dan gives Eric a look and I'm still lost on what's going on. "Oh, you did. Uh, okay."

"What did Dan do?" I ask.

"Can you put a stop to it before it's too late?"

"Ahh!" Dan yelps as I grip his ear in my hand.

"What did you do Humphrey?" Dan explains how he basically wanted Blair to allow Jenny to come back to the city in peace for Lily and Rufus' anniversary and his horrible plan that involved pitting Blair and Chuck against each other so that Chuck would side with the family to allow Jenny back. "Ow!" Dan screeches as I thump the back of his head.

"Are you stupid? Don't answer that. You need to stop this bullshit now!"

"I wish I could but she may not even answer my phone."

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