Oh Lily

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Thank you again, for all the votes and comments. Here's hint one for Ella's mystery man from the ball in book one. He is a charmer. Please enjoy this next chapter.

After the scandal broke that Serena was admitted into the Ostroff Center, Lily was bombarded with calls from Bass Industries. They're worried about how the company's image could be affected by Serena's scandal. Now Lily, Chuck, and I had to suffer through countless interviews with Bass Industry clients and representatives assuring them that what Serena has been going through will not affect the company. Blair called and to tell me that she and Dan are taking a road-trip to track-down Juliet to interrogate her about her reasons for drugging Serena. She would keep me in the loop if they find any leads. Now it's just a waiting game.

To keep up with the family's image, Lily through a party for a few hundred guests at her place to show people that our family is fine and we all wish nothing but the best for Serena's recovery. I wish Lily would take the time to grieve like a normal person about her daughter's situation, but a life on the Upper East Side is far from normal. Chuck and I made sure to be present and able to represent our family in the best way possible. In essence, the party is to do damage control.

"Eloise, we've missed you at Bass Industries." I kiss a member of Bass Industries holders.

"I've missed the company as well, but I needed time to focus on myself before I fully devote myself to my family's business."

"So, you will be returning as head of Bass Industries?" More people have joined us and now's not the time to drop a bombshell on anyone.

"At this moment, I'm focusing on school and my career, but that doesn't mean I don't still play a part in this company."

"That is wonderful to hear Eloise. We can say that since you've stepped down our earnings have dropped two percent."

"Lily has been going through a lot, but no worries she and the rest of Bass Industries will have our earnings up ten percent before we know it."

"Please consider coming back. The company hasn't been the same. Everyone's known you since you were little and when you started interning at the company you've always had a positive impact." I notice Lily is motioning for me to join her.

"Thank you for all your kind words. It was my pleasure to catch up with you all. If you will excuse me, my step-mother needs a word." We say our goodbyes and I make my way to Lily.

"Ella, darling Peter and I were just discussing how Serena is doing." Lily places a strained smile on her face.

"She had us worried for a bit, but we're certain she's doing much better

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"She had us worried for a bit, but we're certain she's doing much better." I want to say the truth, but Serena is Lily's daughter and she has control over what she want's others to know what's really going on with her. I would gladly share everything, but for the sake of the company, we need to keep the drama to a minimum.

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