Gala and Columbia Blues

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I️ really disliked the episode with Serena's dad. She was unreasonable and made me really dislike her that much more. Thank you, again for all the votes and comments. I️ love hearing how much you all enjoy Ella and her romance with Val.

Sadly, Val left to head back to L.A. for work and I was heartbroken seeing him leave again. It just meant I had to go back to focusing all my attention on school and work. Serena invited me to breakfast with the family, but when she mentioned her estranged dad joining and Rufus isn't taking to him like I expected. I declined the offer opting not to get involved in the family drama. What I missed out on breakfast Serena informed me over the phone. She told me to clear my schedule because she wants to introduce her dad to me at an event Columbia Gala that's honoring him.

My last class of the day ended and I had to head back to my apartment for a meeting at Bass Industries before the gala. I was busy checking my emails when I bumped into someone.

"Blair?" I'm surprised to see my best friend on the Upper West Side.

"Elle, I totally forgot you even went to Colombia." I raise my brow at her and she knows I'm not going to take any shit.

"Why are you really here?" Blair looks around and then pulls me to the side.

"I missed the deadline for transfer applications and now everyone at N.Y.U. is talking about their living arrangements next year and I'm losing it." I bring Blair into a hug. One of her biggest faults is her pride, she would rather wallow in self-pity before admitting she was wrong. I knew from the moment she started at N.Y.U she wasn't going to like it.

"Why haven't you told me about this before? I knew you don't love N.Y.U, but I thought your minions were making it easier, and you've partaken in a few group activities."

"But it's not Columbia. I had my heart set on Yale for so many years I never opened it up to the fact that maybe Columbia is where I'm supposed to be."

"You've always hated the idea of Columbia. What changed your mind?" She looks around again as if she's looking for someone.

"At my mother's fashion show I ran into these girls that remind me so much of the girls at Constance, and they kept gushing about Columbia and how they wished I was going there. And then I ran into them again and the described the perfect apartment and I just wish nothing more than I was rooming with them and going to school here."

"I know this isn't what you want to here, but it may be too late to apply to transfer here in the fall, but it doesn't mean you can't come here next spring. And forget those girls you don't need them."

"I don't want to admit it, but I do. I need them to think I'm going to Columbia this Fall so I can room with them."

"You've never been to my apartment on the Upper West Side, so I will inform you I have a spare room."

"What?" Blair can't seem to decide what emotion she should emulate. "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

"If that's what you want. You can either move in with me after this semester and either commute to finish the fall at N.Y.U or wait to move in next spring." Blair hugs me so tight that I almost lose circulation.

"E, you have no idea how much you've cheered me up."

"B, you have to remember no matter where you go to school or what others think, you're Blair Waldorf, and like you've said. Not everyone can be Blair..."

"Waldorf." Blair finished and hugs me one more time. "Thank you, E for always being there for me. And seriously why haven't I seen this apartment of your?" I walk with her as I search for Arthur.

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