Where Out Though Juliet

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I can't wait for when Louis comes into the picture again. Thank you again for all the votes and I love hearing your feedback on who you think Ella's mystery man is. I'll start placing clues about him at the end of the upcoming chapters.

My heart couldn't take another call informing that a loved one is in hospital. I dropped everything when I heard that Serena was found drunk and drugged in a skeptical motel. I figured she was upset since the party drama. When she didn't call, me I knew something was wrong. I only figured she decided to stay at a hotel instead of facing the music at home. I called and texted her hundreds of times and having to response reminded me of the old days when waking up and not knowing where she has been being the norm. The Serena I know now has changed into a slightly responsible person who would never no matter how upset let her get in this situation. I was heading over to Lily and Rufus' for Thanksgiving for dinner when I got the call. Arthur broke a lot of traffic rules as he raced me to the hospital. I didn't stop running even when nurses asked me who I was and who I was seeing. I spotted Blair who runs to meet me. We cling to each other like our lives depended on it.

"Have you heard anything about her condition?" I ask through sobs. Blair shakes her head.

"No one will give us more information other than that she is asleep and it was an overdose." Chuck comes over and brings me in a hug.

"They're doing everything they can for her all we can do is be here when she wakes." I nod as I cling to my brother for support.

"Has anyone been allowed to see her?" They shake her head. Blair can't stop pacing as she bugs every nurse she can for information. Chuck is calling all his contacts to get information on Serena.

"No. I understand, but when will we be allowed to see her? No one's telling us anything." Blair and I don't stop gripping each other's hands.

"Well, just be patient, and someone will be with you soon. Okay?" The nurse walks away from us to treat other patients.

"Let us know when you can!" Blair screeches at her in frustration. Chuck takes us away from the nurse's desk.

"Let me make a call, see if one of my doctors can get us some answers." Dan rushes in through the door and heads to our direction.

"Where is she? Is she, all right? What happened?"

"She overdosed in some cheap motel in Queens, alone." I help Blair take off her jacket and we continue to hold each other afraid if we let go we will break into a million pieces.

"No one was there for her Dan. I knew I shouldn't have let her go home alone. I should have insisted I take a cab with her, and maybe she wouldn't be in this situation.' I'm analyzing every moment from that night wondering what went wrong to the point that she found her way to a motel in Queens.

"Why didn't she come to me? I mean, no matter how angry we were at each other, she knows. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her." Blair grips my hand a little tighter. I can't imagine losing either of them. They've been such huge factors in my life. Losing one of them would be devastating.

"What do the doctors say?"

"Rufus and Lily are waiting to talk to them." Blair and I answer in unison. Dan shakes his head in disbelief.


"Drugs in a cheap motel that does not sound like Serena to me." Blair and I share a look. Dan hasn't been around Serena long enough to know only a few short years ago she was like that.

"Sometimes we forget how much of a recent addition you are, Humphrey. You met her as a girl coming home, trying to start over."

"What Blair is saying is that the Serena from three years ago got herself in situations just like this one, but they've never lead her to be rushed to the hospital. But maybe the recent events played a part."

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