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All the campers stared horrifically at the screen. They couldn't believe that David actually saved these stupid videos for all these years. Gwen didn't like the idea at first but she then thought it would be good revenge for all the idiotic things they've done.

Preston practically screamed. "NO. No no no no no. TURN IT OFF. I SWEAR IF I SEE THOSE CRINGEY PLAYS I MADE I WILL MURDER SOMEONE."

Dolph snickered. "The plays were rather amusing at least I remembered. I can't wait to see some more." The wannabe Shakespeare cried in the corner.


The first video that started was a video of Nikki balancing on the very long pole where the flag was. She gave out a bunch of salutes and when she saw Max she started to wave her hand like crazy.

"Max! Max! Look at me! I'm on the pole!!!" Nikki screamed at the top of her lungs. Max looked up and his eyes widened in fear. He tried not to look so worrisome so he called Neil and pointed at the green haired girl.

Neil pulled his hair in stress. "Oh my fucking god, Nikki! Get down from there! No wait stay there! How the hell did you even get up there?! Where the hell is David?! Max are you just gonna stand there and" But the science boy couldn't finish his sentence because he noticed Max swiftly run on his feet and cupped his mouth.

"Neil forget David! We need to catch her! She's going to die if we don't!" Max then looked up at his friend. "Nikki! Stay calm and jump!"

"Cool! Ok!" Out of nowhere she jumped and Max and Neil didn't expect her to jump so quickly. They both panicked and made sure that she didn't fall to the ground. Their hands were in the air and they were ready to catch her. But Max didn't expect her to fall at the same spot he was in. His face was filled with different emotions: anger and fear mixed together. But before Max could even catch her, David ran past him and swiftly caught her. The dark curly haired boy was quaking. As David carried the girl, Nikki had a huge smile on her face.

"That was so much fun!" She said as she squeezed her own cheeks.

Max looked angry. Really angry. Neil tried to hold him down but he knew he couldn't do that. "What the fuck?! What the hell were you thinking! How'd you even get up there!" He clutched her shoulders. " could've died if..if.." Nikki put two arms around his neck. She laughed.

"All that matters is that I'm ok, right? You don't need to worry." She gave him a grin as she didn't care what just happened. Though he was still frustrated, he gave her a hug back. But then he slightly pushed her away when he realized that...

"Fuck! Nurf delete that video! I swear to god I'll murder you!" Max sprinted toward the boy and he ran for his life as he snickered away.


And that was the end of the first video. Everyone stared at Max with wide grins. But Neil's gaze made him really uncomfortable. Because it seemed like he knew something that everyone doesn't know. Nikki squealed in joy remembering that moment. She grabbed Max's arm and started to purr. "Awwww Max~! You're so sweet!"

Everyone in the room tried not to laugh. They never really seen him care so much and this was really rare. He wanted to kill everybody in the room. But his mind wandered to the girl who was clutching on to his arm. He looked up and saw Neil smirking. Fuck. He shook his arm a bit to signal her to get off him. She got the message. But why did she have a small frown afterwards? "Let's just get to the next video already dammit!"


The next video was a scene of Preston holding a note as he was talking away to Ered.

"Must I win you over? Must I kill the man you love so you can love me instead?" The boy declared his line for his next play. Ered didn't  seem so happy about it. She chewed some bubblegum and listened. After he was finished, he gave her a smile. "So how is it?"

Another Summer [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now