secret's out

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Nikki stared at nothing for the past hour. She was supposed to be sleeping but for some reason her body just didn't want to doze off. She tried occupying her mind full of Gwen and thinking about Gwen's life in the past. But that didn't even work either.

She got up from her head and had the urge to pee. She put on a hoodie that she stole from Max and crawled out of the tent very slowly. She arched her back and began stretching. Her eyes searched for the nearest restroom and she eventually found it. She began walking to her destination but she heard a rustle of leaves moving from behind her. She shrugged off the scared feeling because she knew it's probably just squirrels or any small animal. It can't be a bear she knew for sure.

But maybe she was mistaken because she felt some breathing right at her neck. She stood still for a moment, thinking about what to do. She didn't want to make a ruckus which will make everyone wake up. Time was wasting and all she decided to do is punch whatever or whoever is behind her. She swiftly turned and aimed for the face which was just above her. A bear! It's a bear! Wait...a bear that's super skinny and tall with clothes...and with a face just like Neil's....It wasn't a bear! It was Neil! She tried to stop her fist from reaching his face but she just couldn't do it.

Neil wasn't about to get punched by Nikki so he quickly faced the back of his hand to himself just inches away from his face and caught it without being hit. The aqua haired girl blinked a few times and then quickly hugged him. "I'm so sorry Neil! I didn't mean to hurt you! I thought you were a bear and..."

The scientist rolled his eyes and hugged her back. "Yeah I know. But why are you walking around in the middle of the night?"

Nikki jumped off him, remembering that she had to go use the restroom. "Uh...I'll be back." She ran straight to the restroom and slammed the door. He shook his head in shame, knowing that she probably woke up a bunch of people because of that noise. The fire was still out and he wondered if David forget to take it out. He sat beside it becoming warm as he waited for his friend.

She soon came out of the stall and walked towards him. She laid down next to him and stared at the stars that spread all over the night sky. Neil looked down at her. "You're going to get your clothes dirty." She ignored him and kept staring at the prettiness the night had brought them.

It stayed quiet. Very quiet. She almost forgot that there was someone next to her. She looked to her left, wondering if Neil had fell asleep. But that wasn't the case. He was staring at the stars just like her. As much as she loved the peaceful tension, she wanted to talk about something with the boy. "Hey Neil. Would you like it if someone forcefully made you marry-or in our case- date someone that you don't truly love?"

Random. Very random indeed. Neil had no clue where this came from but it was pretty damn random. He looked at her with slight confusion but then quickly thought of how to answer her question. Surely he wouldn't like it because it just wasn't right at all to be forced to do something especially being forced to marry or date. He laid down now, not caring if he would get dirty. He put both of his hands behind his head and sighed. "No. I wouldn't like it. I would hate it. We're free to do what we want with our life. No one can make us do something that we don't want to." But in the inside Neil knew that what he was saying wasn't true at all. For example parents. Parents usually already have a future planned for their child, meaning the child has no choice but to follow their parents' orders. That's simply how life is sometimes. Nikki nodded his head, probably agreeing him. "Where is this coming from?"

She rubbed her eyes a bit. "So you know how Gwen's sis, Gina, came today and gave Gwen a letter. Gwen read it to us girls a few hours ago and it was talking about how her parents are demanding her to come back to them and marry this rich guy. Her parents wants to use their unwanted daughter to get rich. Remember how Gwen told us they basically hated her? Guess what they kept repeating in their letter? Her parents were all like, 'We love you sweetie so much and we miss you.' I called bullshit because I was so pissed of how retarded of Gwen's parents are to think that she's actually going to come back to them." She let out a huge sigh. "To summarize it, her-"

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