an idea

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It's been hard. So very hard. Today was just not the day for activities and fun. The tension was just silent and sad. Even Max didn't even fuss about it. Gwen didn't come out of her room this morning which worried the campers. David did. But that was around 12 in the afternoon.

He didn't look good at all. There were heavy bags under his eyes and it looked like he didn't care about his hair at the moment. But they didn't know how he still managed to give out a smile after last night's events.

"Alright kiddos!" He still had his cheerful tone too. "Don't mind me coming out late and let's start to have fun!" Everyone was waiting for him to finish but that was all he was gonna say. Space kid stepped in and asked the question that raced through their minds.

"What kind of 'fun'? Don't you have an activity you want us to do?"

You could tell David paused for a sec. "Well how about you all catch up with one another. That's fun right?" Then he suddenly walked away but was stopped by Nikki's voice.

"Where are you going?"

His whole body froze. And he just continued walking. All the campers shook their heads with concern. They all sat on the ground and stayed silent. Probably collecting their thoughts. They've never been so confused before. Honestly, they never cared this much actually. Nerris fixed her small wizard hat and sighed. "I wish we can at least help."

Harrison snorted. "How are we gonna help when we don't even know what's going on?"

"It's not the time for your smart mouth. Wait. There's never a time for that." Their bickering actually lighten up the mood. Instead of staying quiet, others tried to stop the two. But that was soon interrupted by Max's whistle noise.

"Guys. Isn't it obvious? The lights didn't work at all yesterday or today. The air conditioner in the mess hall isn't working. Matter of fact, nothing is working! They don't have money. Which means they can't pay the bills. They're broke...." He dragged the last sentence.  A thought popped out of their heads.

What if they closed down?

They still sat down on the ground with full minds and empty silence. Neil didn't take the depressing aura too well so he had to speak up. "Are we really going to sit around and pity them for not having money?"

All the campers eyes were directed at the scientist. He gave out a shout. "No, right!" He crouched down and gathered them in a small group. Instead of frowns, he could all see smirks and grins. "Now listen up! I have an idea!"

"Gwen come on. They'll start to suspect something if you don't-" But David stopped, realizing she won't even listen anyways. On top of the counter, next to her bed, were her pills. Her anxiety pills. And it was empty. Next to it was a glass of water. He sighed and sat on the mattress. "You're not the only one dealing with this. I'm here too you know." She still went silent. So instead of speaking to her, he just stared. She covered herself with the blanket. He was glad he didn't hear any sniffing noises.

"Why'd you lie?"

He was confused. "What do you mean?"

She uncovered herself and her eyes were a dark shade of red. "The electric bills weren't due last week! They were due 4 months ago!" She didn't mean to take out all her frustration on him. She really hoped he knew that. "We owe them like $400! If we don't pay by the end of this month, it'll be $500! We sure are lucky they still gave us electricity even though we didn't pay. But now they cut if off and what now? How will this camp function without light? And what's next? If we can't even afford to keep this camp running, how will we manage in life? You will probably do just fine but me? I'm not going back to my parent's house. I never will!" David's arms were wide open which clearly meant 'Let it all out.' She gladly took his offer and cried on his chest. "We're broke! How the fuck are we going to earn money? How the fuck are we suppose to tell the kids? How the fu-" But he cut her off by hugging her. For good minute or two, they just hugged. Gwen stopped crying and yelling and hugged him back.

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