Part 16

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Next morning whole Chowhans family were busy in marriage preparations and busy in welcoming khusi Mittal's family too.

Arnav who is sleeping here still by cuddling into pillow..

While teju and aditi enters his room and sees him sleeping peacefully. Both looks at each other and at him angrily.

Aditi:- because of him we both woke up this early and he was sleeping well and I don't like anyone sleeping peaceful while I was awake wat say dii.

Teju :- let's consider 2 options.
First one is let's try with peace and second just direct attack

Aditi:- let's go to second option dii.

Teju:- let's try from first option chotai after marriage we can't entres into bhai room just like that right. Ok

Aditi nodes..

Both goes and sits with him while tapping on his shoulder they tries to wake up but he pushes both of them off bed and sleeps by facing another sides.

They both gets up by rubbing their hands while teju says you were right we should not given fair chance.

Aditi:- so let's apply second option. Direct attack.

They both discussing something and aditi goes out while teju removes curtains just to try to wake him up but it didnt happen.

While aditi comes with bucket full of ice cubes and water..both counts 123 and splash water on him making him shout and starts jumping off from bed due to shivers and few ice cubes.. While they both laughs.

Arnav adjusting himself and says. You two devil of Chowhans family why hell you do it and Damm it it's socold.

Aditi :- come on bhai, ice cubes means it will be cold na...

Teju:- and we wake you sweetly but you pushed us down by digging your self.

Aditi:- look at you, you were looking like wet chicken.

With these two  starts laughing loudly and starts running while arnav chasing them whole house.

Nandita :- what the hell arnav why were you wet and you were making whole house mess by running like this.


Three of them stops and stands in front of her like little kids and listening to her by bending their heads.

Nandita :- I am speaking something answer me, don't you three knew today we are selecting jewelry and dress and Mittal's are coming. Almost everything is set and now who will clean this mess which created by you three. I can't believe teju and arnav you both grown up to marriage age but still behaving like un matured like aditi.

Aditi opens her mouth to defend but stop seeing ram approaching her from behind by signaling them to shhh.

Three looks at each other suppress their laugh.

Nandita:- unbelievable here I am scolding and you three were laughing and tell me what makes you to laugh and.

She stands shocked and shivers by shouting while whole bucket of cold water hits her from top to down.

Including ram all laughs and ram says this making them to hold their laugh and side hugs her and says come on  let them enjoy and for enjoyment their no need to be kid or un married they should be needed to be siblings that's it.

She hits his hand away from her shoulders and says servants to clean everything and goes from their scolding them.

After few minutes..

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