Part 31

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Vidyut enters in room and sees teju sitting on bed covered her face with veil..

He sits next to her making her shiver with his increasing presence towards her

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He sits next to her making her shiver with his increasing presence towards her... She tightens her grip around her lehenga when he holds her veil starts removing it...

He smiles seeing at her glowing face with cute smile.. He to smiles seeing her..

Vidyut smiles, cups her face and says

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Vidyut smiles, cups her face and says..

You were looking so cute... She hugs him immediately by resting her head on his chest while he encircles his hands one at her waist and another at her back dragging her more close to him.

Suddenly he shouts ahhh and leaves teju and looks at her while rubbing his waist where she looks at him innocently by blinking her eyes...

Vidyut :- what's that... Teju. why did you pinch me..

Teju smile sheepishly :- oh that... (she looks here and their and says) I just want to confirm whether i was in dream or not so I pinched you( she comes forward with wide eyes and smile) but see it's confirmed naa that I was not in dream.. Really our marriage had happened and I am sitting in your room on your bed tagging myself as.

(Vidyut who was lost in their hug comes out by pain of pinching by her but lost smiling at her antics and lost in her face expressions comes out by her explanation of her pinching.
He drags her dead close to him and completes her sentences)

By tagging my name with you... Mrs. Tejaswii vidyut Kapoor..

She smiles and hugs him again..

They gets disturbed by knock on door.

Vidyut being annoyed says.. Who the hell that in this time...

Bhaii open door na I want you talk with babhi it's urgent...

Before teju respond vidyut leaves her from hug all of sudden making her fall front... She gets up by rubbing her nose and says kadoos...

She too gets up from bed  by taking her long lehenga into her palms and rushes to door thinking what made him to come at this hour..

Vidyut opens door in tension and sees anuj standing with bandages and a sheepy smile on his face...

Seeing his smile vidyut relaxes and scolded him saying. What made you to come at this hour anuj, I though you got some pain...

Haa even me anuj ( vidyut and anuj sees teju coming towards them).

Anyway say what happened...

Anuj:- I want to see from where you used to take bhai pictures when ever he stands in his balcony... (he says these all in one go and breaths heavily... Seeing no response he opens his one eye then another and looks at teju giggling while vidyut keeps annoyed face).

Vidyut :- seriously for this you came at this time and on this day...

Anuj too smiles before he could go teju holds his hand and says.. Come anuj I will show you.. Saying this she drags him to balcony leaving vidyut shock on his place.

There... She shows a big tree.

I used to hide behind it and I knew when he will come into balcony. So when ever I got free I used to stand their and took hua images.. And you knew best thing is.. My bhai used to accompany me... As it's not safe for girls at that times...

Anuj and vidyut opens their mouth by listening to her confession...

Anuj:- bye babhi I am sleepy...

Teju:- Arey where are you going...

Vidyut :- after getting huge shock how he will stay here... He needs to rest otherwise brain will get block..

Teju pouts while keeping her hands on her waist says...

Why like that.. What I said that he got that much shock..

Vidyut drags her again to close to him making her chest to collide his while he rests his forehead on her and rubs his nose to her nose.. and says seriously teju.. Arjun was always their with you when ever you came to see me...

Teju:- encircling her hands around his neck and says... Haa he supported me because he knew that I choose the bestest person. That's why...

Vidyut :- before I  don't knew but after seeing his anger on that day... By remembering it... I never thought... He will think your selection as best.

Teju encircling her hands around his neck more firmly dragging him more near to her and says... He got angry because his sister got hurt on that day. That's why ok.. But he loves my selection..

To which he Says , hi I am not that type of guy.. Saying he hides his chest with his hands...

Teju for one second looks at him frozen..

Vidyut laughs seeing her face while she frowns and attacks him.. But he runs all over room to escape from her. While she finds difficult to catch him because of her lehenga.. She finally gives up and stands upset by crossing her hands on her chest making pout..

Vidyut stands infront of her seeing her struggle but controls his laugh seeing her pout face at same time his gaze falls on her lips which were calling him.. But he gulps to control his urge to kiss her..

Sensing his gaze on her lips teju blushes... She immediately goes and hugs him.. She whispers in his ears..

Kiss me vidyut. Adore me cherish me with your love and make me feel like I was completely yours..

Vidyut :- are you sure , I mean.

She kisses his ear and says..

I am Damm sure..

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