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Lucy POV

I was a Celestial, angel, and demon mage. Both of my parents died so I was left alone with my spirits. My mom told me to go to the guild Fairy Tail . I was the last Angel Slayer left. As I walked to the guild and opened the doors I saw a lot of fighting then everybody stopped and looked at me.

( Mira and the others weren't at the guild at the time. This is all before they came.)

Still Lucy POV

A little old man came up to me and asked my name. "My name is Lucy ", I said. "Would you like to join the guild " he asked? " Yes", I said.
" What is your magic", he asked? " Celestial, Angel, and Demon magic", I said. " Where would you like your guild mark and what color"? " White and black on my shoulder",I said. He stamped it and I went to meet everybody. While I was introducing myself I saw a little boy coming towards me. " Hi what's your name", I asked? "Laxus", the little boy answered. "Hi Laxus my name is Lucy nice to meet ya", I said. " You too Lucy", Laxus said. Then the little old man came over and sat down beside us. " Hello Lucy", the little old man said. "Hello umm.....", I said thinking. " Gramps or Master either way", said the little old man introducing his self. " Well hello Gramps", I said. " Where are you from Lucy", Gramps asked? " From the heavens ", I answered.
" What happened to your parents", Gramps asked? " Both died . I'm the last Angel Slayer left, and I'm also the last Light Demon " I said. " Sorry for your lost kid, but Fairy Tail is a family here so you want be lonely or left out", Gramps said. I then had smiled. Gramps left then Laxus started talking to me. After getting to know everybody it was night time then everybody left so I walked into the woods and was walking in circles for an hour until I found a small house.

 After getting to know everybody it was night time then everybody left so I walked into the woods and was walking in circles for an hour until I found a small house

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