Chosen to represent

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Everybody training returned to the guild. Everybody was talking until Gramps got up on stage.

Gramps- Listen up brats.

Everybody gathers around and listens for what he is about to say.

Gramps- You all worked very hard for this. I am announcing the two teams and ten people representing Fairy Tail for the games.
Fairy Tail Team A is:

and Lucy.

Fairy Tail Team B is:

and Cana.

Everybody cheered after that. Lucy didn't have a happy face so then Gramps gave her a face saying upstairs. Gramps walked upstairs then Lucy followed. Both went into Gramps office.

Lucy- So why did you pick me?

Gramps- Lucy your a strong mage and I know you take S-Class missions and also your dark magic has been controlled ever since we came back from the island from the seven year sleep.

Lucy- Well you could have put me in the undercover spot if somebody gets hurts.

Gramps- I did because I knew one of them are going to get hurt.

Lucy- For an old man your really smart.

Gramps- And for a very young girl at a young age knows how to get around because she has intelligence.

Lucy- Can't blame me it's in me. Now if you will  excuse me I have to go right back home.

Gramps- Be ready in three days.

Lucy - You got it.

Lucy heads home, but then she spots Laxus in the field. She goes and sits by him.

Lucy- So what you doing out here?

Laxus- Looking back to the past.

Lucy- I remember when we use to come here when we were kids.

Laxus- Same.

Lucy- You still have the headphones I gave you?

Laxus- Yeah. Did you make them?

Lucy- Yeah. It might look hard to make, but it was easy as pie.

Laxus- Maybe I can make something for the kwaii girl.

Lucy then blushes.

Lucy- So sweet.

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