Sight Seeing in Corcus

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Team Natsu had arrived at Corcus.

Erza- We finally arrived from that long train ride.

Natsu- You can say that again.

Gramps and other Fairy Tail mages had showed up.

Gramps- Hello Team Natsu.

Erza- Hey Master.

Gramps and the other Fairy Tail mages started talking to Team Natsu and the people in Corcus were making fun of Fairy Tail. Team Natsu decided to go sight seeing then they split. Lucy had walked into the music shop then Laxus saw her and went in. Lucy had then saw Laxus.

Lucy- Hey Laxus.

Laxus- Hey Lucy. What you doing???

Lucy- Looking for a old CD.

Laxus- What is that?

Lucy- Umm..... You know I -

Laxus- You don't remember do you?

Lucy- No it's very old probably it's like old like... before Mavis was even born or Zeref.

Laxus- Okay that's old.

Lucy- Yeah I know I always listened to it when I was with the Angels.

Laxus- Was there a time limit there?

Lucy- Yeah why?

Laxus- Just wondering how old it is because when Hades was trying to expose you on the island and how much he was talking about you it seems like he heard about you from when he was a kid.

Lucy- Aw because the time limit there is every one year is ten years passing here. Oh and when I was you know... I was to stay very very young.

Laxus- Is that why you look sixteen years old?

Lucy- Yeah. I can't get wrinkles or affected while I'm aging and I can't get old either only my age can.

Laxus- So that means... say for example you turn 80 years old and you still look like this?

Lucy- Yeah. You wanna go to the bar?

Lucy came up close to Laxus and Laxus blushed a little bit.

Laxus- I thought you didn't like drinking.

Lucy- I don't, but my demon side is thirsty and it might get out of control, especially when I'm angry.

Laxus- ( Why is she a girl that I like very much)? Yeah I'm thirsty too.

Laxus and Lucy leave the music shop and head over to the bar. Once they got there they both started drinking then they both and went to collect flowers.

Lucy- Aw this is pretty and cool. Never seen s flower that fresh since I left Fairy Tail.

Laxus- Haven't seen one since you left. They do look pretty on you and you look cute.

Lucy then blushes.

Lucy- Thank you.

Flower Lady- Are you two a couple?

Lucy and Laxus both blushed 50 shades of red.

Lucy- No were just friends.

Laxus- Yeah.

Two men then came up to them and started making fun of them.

Orga- Idiots except for the girl.

Rufus- No you were right Orga both are idiots.

Lucy- Who you call in idiots Fancy mic Funny Face.

Laxus- Yeah and you too Lime Green.

Orga- Take that back spikey.

Rufus- Yeah and you too blondie.

Lucy and Laxus looked at each other and looked at the other guys then busted out laughing.

Lucy- You know you blonde too Rapunzel.

Laxus- Yeah and take a look at your hair Lime Green.

The crowd had then surrounded them.

Rufus- As expected. Fairy Fools.

Lucy- Its Fairy Tail get it right next time Smarty Pants. And who are you guys???

The crowd- They don't know who those mages are??!?

Rufus- My name is Rufus and that is Orga. We're from Sabertooth the strongest guild in Fiore.

Orga- Were the lighting and memory make mages.

Laxus- Yeah and were the lighting and angel mage.

Rufus had then started laughing.

Lucy - What's so funny?

Rufus- A Angel mage. I don't believe it. The Angels were instincted years ago, you expect me to believe this girl is a Angel mage. She look more like a light mage if you ask me.

Lucy- Well we didn't ask you. If you ask me you look more like a cleaning mage.

Rufus- Yeah just let me wipe all that manly ness off of you so you don't make a fool out of yourself like you are right now man.

Laxus- ( How dare he call Lucy a man).

Lucy had smoke coming from her head.

Lucy- Yeah and just let me rip off that mask that's on your face before it gets tuck, oh wait a minute it is.

Rufus then had smoke coming from his head.

Laxus- Lucy we should probably go.

Lucy- Your right.

Laxus and Lucy then leave.

Rufus then looks at Lucy.

Rufus-( I will be watching and copying your own moves and magic and I want be holding back Lucy).

Laxus had showed Lucy were his team was staying, but his team wasn't their. They went into the room and she sat on Laxus bed.

Laxus- You got mad back there didn't you?

Lucy- Yeah. He talked about Fairy Tail and us like we were trash. I could hear everybody's thoughts about us.

Laxus then sits by Lucy.

Laxus- Well they and other people don't know what there talking about because when they see Fairy they want believe what they see. And you don't look like a man your a beautiful woman.

Lucy had then blushed 💯 shades of red. She then hugged Laxus.

Lucy- Well thank you for the pet talk and hang out today Laxus I really had fun with you. Just like when we were kids.

Laxus had then blushed. Lucy had got up and was about to leave until Laxus grabbed her hand.

Laxus- Hey Lucy if we win will you give me a kiss?

Lucy had then blushed. He then pulled Lucy in and he then pinned her to the bed. Lucy was still blushing.

Lucy- I'll think about it.

After that Lucy had then left.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖

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