Relax at the Pool

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Laxus POV

It was our day off from the games and every guild except the guild Sabertooth. I was at the part of the pool with Gramps and 1st Master Mavis. To be honest I was really bored, but I was keeping her and Gramps company. Especially Gramps because I guess he didn't know what to do. I sat down and put my feet in the water. I was bored so I started looking around and saw Lucy. She had on her two piece bikini. I kept starring at her then I saw her stare at me and I looked away so she want know I was staring at her. I then saw Bislow and Freed walking my way. I am so glad these guys are coming over here to probably keep me company.

Both sat by me and the three of us talked and they laughed at me because I had to stay over here with Gramps and Mavis until Gramps let me lose. Bislow and Freed left because they wanted to go swim. I mean like there was a pool right where we were they could have just got in.

I kept looking into space until I heard a sweet angelic voice. I turned to see it was Lucy right in front of me. I was blushing because she was here. "Hey Lucy you wanna go for a swim", I asked. She nod her head as a "no".

"Why,do you not like water" I asked curious.

"It's not the water it's the chlorine",said Lucy sounding embarrassed.

"What's so  bad about that", I asked curious.

"It shows my emotions in colors", Lucy told me. "For example if I sound happy and I'm actually jealous or sad then it will change to either green or blue", explained Lucy.

" Oh really", I said smirking thinking of a plan. "Don't even think about", Lucy said sitting next to me.

'I wonder if I can get something out of her', I thought. "You can't get nothing out of me",said Lucy.
"We'll see about that", I said. I grabbed hold of her then stood up and she bent her legs trying to get out, but couldn't. I jumped in and then when we both came back out she was red.

Readers let me explain the emotional colors

Red: Angry
Yellow: Happy
Pink: Loving
Green: Jealous
Purple: Fear
Blue: Sad
Orange: Sneaky
Indigo: Lying or a liar

"Really Laxus now my emotions are going to show", said Lucy changing colors to purple.
"Now what will I tell everybody", asked Lucy still purple. "Just tell them that it was a pill you took for that scar you thought I didn't notice" said Laxus making Lucy turn orange. Lucy put her hand over her cheek then changed to pink. " What is pink supposed to mean", asked Laxus curious about all her colors. Lucy had then turned back to her normal skin color. " Pink supposed to mean........ confused", said Lucy changing into indigo. "Really", asked Laxus with one of his eye going up. "Yes", said Lucy still indigo.

''You wanna go get a drink", asked Laxus.

"Sure", said Lucy turning yellow and pink.

Both walk away, but while they were walking they were hit by a symbol and bumped onto the love slide. Lucy was on top of Laxus sliding down the slide. She was now pink. Laxus holded on tight to her and she blushed.  Suddenly Lucy saw Evergreen and Elfman then she turned organe and yellow. "Hey Laxus look at the other slide", said Lucy pointing to the slide with Evergreen and Elfman. "HEY EVERGREEN HOW YOU DOING WITH YOUR MAN", asked Laxus yelling getting Evergreens and Elfman attention and making Lucy laugh turning yellow and pink. Evergreen stoned Elfman and Lucy and Laxus laughed. "HOW ARE YOU DOING WITH LUCY ON THE SLIDE ON TOP LOF YOU", yelled Evergreen getting Laxus back for calling her out. Laxus whole body turned red because he was blushing and Lucy turned full pink. Suddenly both were now frozen because two ice mages froze the whole park then a Fire Dragon blew the whole place up and Lucy top was burnt off and she covered up and also turned orange and purple then Laxus had a nosebleed. The nosebleed went away then he gave her a towel then she turned it down and went back into her angel clothes.

Laxus had picked up Natsu and Gray while Gramps was apologizing to the owner or employees.

Thank you for reading and have a nice Christmas with your family 🎅🤶

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