Day 4 of the Grand Magic Games

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Pumpkin Man- Welcome back to Day 4 of the Grand Magic Games. Our first challenge of the day is the The Battle in the Water Bubble. Send one wizard down from your team to represent.

Fairy Tail Team A Balcony

"Hey Lucy do you wanna do the challenge", asked Gray.

"Sure", answered Lucy.

"Good luck", said Wendy,Gray, Erza, and Natsu smiling. Lucy smiled then nodded then went to go change in her bathing suit.

Lucy had put on her swimsuit then she went to the middle of the arena and saw a big water bubble

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Lucy had put on her swimsuit then she went to the middle of the arena and saw a big water bubble.
Lucy saw the other girls jump in and she did the same.

Pumpkin Man- Okay ladies and gentleman, the way that this game goes is that you have to knock a wizard out the bubble and the wizard knocked out the bubble is out. The last two wizards will have a five minute battle. Ready......set......GO!!!

All the girls attacked except for Lucy and Minerva. Almost every girl was out there Juvia came at Lucy and tried to attack her until Lucy summoned Aquarius and Aquarius used a attack on Juvia and Juvia used the same attack. While Juvia was doing that Lucy was using control magic to get Juvia closer to where she can get out. When Juvia stopped and looked at Gray Lucy shot a attack at her. Juvia was then out which left Minerva and Lucy.


Everybody cheered for the two mages.

Pumpkin Man- The one knocked out teams do not own no points. Ready......set.......BATTLE!!!

Minerva and Lucy then had came at each other then suddenly Minerva took away Lucy's belt with all her zodiac keys. Lucy looked shocked then Minerva gave her a stare holding onto her belt. Lucy came at Minerva then Minerva clutches her fist and it lit up then she tried to punch Lucy, but Lucy dodged her attack. Suddenly Minerva came at Lucy punching her then blood came out her mouth and Lucy did the same thing to Minerva and blood came out her mouth. The water bubble was now red because of the blood. Minerva shot a attack at Lucy then Lucy shield it and both ca e out of the water bubble at the same time then Lucy flipped and landed. Lucy transformed into her regular clothing:

Minerva had then came at her and she did the same

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Minerva had then came at her and she did the same. Minerva casted a spell then suddenly Lucy noticed that her hands were tied behind her back and she ducked when Minerva tried punching her. Minerva started trying to do combat on Lucy and Lucy just dodged when she did it. Minerva transported in front of Lucy and Lucy went into camouflage. Minerva caught her then kicked her to the ground. Lucy got up then Minerva had a knife in her hand the sliced it on Lucy cheek she slapped. Everybody looked in shocked when they saw Minerva do that to Lucy. Lucy then started glowing and her eyes were white.


Lucy then spreaded out her wings then she started flying high in the air. She did something that shocked everybody.

"WHITE DRAGON ROARRRRRRRRRR", yelled Lucy as a huge roar that could fill or destroy the battle field.

The roar hit then Lucy wings went back in the Lucy landed then she saw the whole battle was destroyed deep down. Lucy saw Minerva on the ground. Lucy heard cheering so she then picked up Minerva and flew back up. Everybody cheered loud. Lucy then casted a spell to make the battle field go back to normal. She landed on the ground and Pumpkin Man came running at Lucy. Lucy put Minerva on her shoulder then Pumpkin Man raised Lucy hand up.

Pumpkin Man- Lucy the Scale Angel WINS *everybody in the arena except for Sabertooth cheers*!

The first battle was Laxus vs Alex

Laxus was about to enter until he saw Lucy.

"Good luck out there Sparky", said Lucy smile making Laxus smirk. "Thanks Blondie hope I get that kiss", said Laxus making Lucy blush. "How about on the cheek", asked Lucy. "Sure I can work with that", said Laxus as he enter the battle field.

*The infirmary*

"Okay look since Raven Tail is disqualified then there is going to be one team", said Gramps. "For this team I am picking Laxus, Erza, Gajeel, Natsu, and Lucy", said Gramps as Mavis nodded.
The team had then walked to there balcony. All the other two vs two challenges went on. Then it came to Sabertooth vs Fairy Tail:

After Day 4 of the Grand Magic Games Fairy Tail team had to meet Mavis somewhere private. When she explained everything to them Gajeel took them underground where he saw a lot of dead dragons.

All of them parted then they went to do there on things. Lucy was walking then she saw Laxus. She walked towards him then he saw her. " So you still want that kiss", asked Lucy as Laxus blushed. "Yeah", answered Laxus as he leaned in. Lucy was leaning forward towards his cheek then she kissed it. Lucy left, but while she was walking she was being watched. Lucy kept walking until she saw a figure.

"I'm assuming you want to know something", asked Lucy in a fearless way.

"Yes", said Sting walking up to her. "How do you know Dragon Slaying magic", asked Sting.

"Was taught by your dragon Weisslogia. Well he technically was my dragon before you", said Lucy.

"Where is he", asked Sting. "Hey I'm just like you I want answers as well, but I can't get them", said Lucy walking off.

Thank you for reading📖

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