The Royal Banquent

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Everybody was dressed and ready for the banquet.
Lucy went upstairs and she had just remembered she didn't have a cup so she looked down and she saw a lot of glass cups and she used her telekinesis to get it. When she had it in her hand she started to make her drink and she started drinking.

She looked down to see people dancing or fighting and she smiled. She sat down on the ground and she heard noise from a room. She walked towards the room and opened it and saw that it was the King's room.

She heard noise in his closet and went in to see Natsu in his clothes.

"Really Natsu",said Lucy scarring Natsu.

" long were you standing there",asked Natsu.

"Long enough to see you are going to do something stupid and bye",said Lucy about to walk away until Natsu grabbed her wrist.

"Don't tell nobody and why are you drinking",asked Natsu.

"I'm not going to tell anybody because I'm probably going to ditch this banquet and I'm drinking because I'm thirsty",said Lucy leaving.

"Where are you going",asked Natsu.

"Flying in the sky",said Lucy leaving the King's room.

She put the cup on the stand then left the banquet.

Laxus POV

I was enjoying the banquet a little bit, but I kept wondering where Lucy was at. I couldn't spend all this time at the banquet without her then suddenly everybody kept wondering where Natsu was at and also Lucy.

The King cams out to thank us when suddenly Natsu was in his clothes and everybody was shocked. Once Natsu came down I can smell Lucy scent on him then I went up to him.

"Hey Natsu you know where Lucy is", I asked.

"Oh she left the banquet",said Natsu as Laxus facepalm himself and left the castle.

When Laxus made it outside he saw Lucy flying around in the air.

"LUCY",yelled Laxus as Lucy spotted him then landed.

"Hey Laxus",greeted Lucy as Laxus blushed because what Lucy was wearing:

"Hey Laxus",greeted Lucy as Laxus blushed because what Lucy was wearing:

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"You look cute",complimented Laxus as Lucy blushed.

"Thank you, you look handsome",said Lucy as Laxus had a tint of blush.

"So what are you doing out here",asked Laxus.

"I got bored at the banquet so I just left",said Lucy.

"I was there I could have made things more fun",said Laxus as Lucy laughed.

"I bet you were standing there with a straight face",said Lucy as Laxus nodded then they both went back to the banquet and started talking.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖

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