The Return

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Gramps POV

I was doing some paper work in my office then a mysterious figure with a hood on came in my office." Who are you", I asked? " It's me Lucy your old guild member ", the figure said. As soon as it said it's name I tackled her in a hug crying. " Lucy, your finally back my child ", I said getting up." Yes, I am finally finished with my training and I can finally control", Lucy said. "Well welcome back to the guild", I said.
"Thank you", she said then left without her cloth .

Lucy POV

Once I got downstairs a lot of people stared at me then the people that knew me came running and hugging me. The only that wasn't and I didn't see was Laxus. After all that a boy with salmon hair came up to me and observed me. Then he asked," Are you the girl in the picture next to Laxus"? "Umm which picture", I asked? " He then pulled a picture out his pocket me and Laxus hugging:

 Then he asked," Are you the girl in the picture next to Laxus"? "Umm which picture", I asked? " He then pulled a picture out his pocket me and Laxus hugging:

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" Yeah that's me", I said. I walked off over to the mission board upstairs then I saw one that caught my attention.

Please help us
Their are savage spirit animals attacking our village.
Location: The East Forest
Mages: S-Class wizards

Lucy- Yes. I might not be an S- Class wizard, but I need jobs like this.

Lucy walked over where Mirajane was at then she gave the paper to her.

Mirajane- Is your name Lucy?

Lucy- Yeah.

Mirajane- How long have you been a member at Fairy Tail?

Lucy- Ever since I was two years old.

Mirajane- That's long. What kind of magic do you have?

Lucy- Angel and Demon magic which meaning I have light and dark magic.

Mirajane- Wait your also a dark mage?

Lucy- Yes. I also have unbreakable wings.

Mirajane- Well here's your paper.

Lucy- Thanks.

Lucy leaves the guild.

TimeSkip the Thunder God Legion showed up

The Thunder God Legion had entered through the guild door. Laxus had went upstairs where S-Class wizards sit at then he went to sit down in the chair. Gramps had walked towards him then sat down beside him.

Laxus- Hey what's up?

Gramps- Hello my boy. Did you here Lucy was back?

Laxus- WHAT *confused*???

Gramps- Lucy is back. Your childhood friend.

Laxus- Where is she?

Gramps- She went on a mission.

Laxus- With who?

Gramps- Nobody just by herself.

Laxus- Oh. ( I can't wait to see her).

TimeSkip 2hrs later

Lucy walks through the door with a red liquid drink in her hand(the drink Gramps made Lucy drink when she was in pain with her dark magic).

Lucy walks through the door with a red liquid drink in her hand(the drink Gramps made Lucy drink when she was in pain with her dark magic)

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Gramps saw Lucy with the drink then he gave her a sign to come up to his office. Once she got the signal she finished her drink then she walked upstairs and she was walking past the S-Class room where she saw Laxus looking in shocked.

Laxus- Lucy...

Lucy- Hey Laxus longtime no see.

Laxus came towards Lucy then gribbed her into a hug. Gramps then came and looked.

Gramps- Lucy office now.

Lucy turned around and went into his office and Gramps went in as well. Gramps locked the door then put a sound proof barrier around them.

Gramps- Sit down child?

Lucy sat down.

Gramps- I am going to ask you a simple question. Can you control your dark magic?

Lucy- Yes, but I need to drink that so my dark magic doesn't get out of control or hungry.

Gramps- I see and you are free to go, but one more thing.

Lucy- What?

Gramps- Don't take anymore S-Class missions unless your with a S-Class mage or if you are in S-Class.

Lucy- Okay.

Lucy exits Gramps office then she was about to head downstairs until Laxus grabbed her hand.

Laxus- Lucy?

Lucy- Yes, Laxus?

Laxus- Umm were where you all those years?

Lucy- Training. I had to leave then visit.

Laxus- I see. I fin to go downstairs to get a drink wanna join?

Lucy- Sure *blushes*

Lucy and Laxus walked downstairs then had drinks. Lucy had got to know everybody their then Natsu wanted to form a team with her and she agrees.

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