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Making my way down to breakfast as usual sitting with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Hermione's reading the Daily Prophet, I decide to sit next to Ron.

"Morning," Ron says to me, I hum a response tapping my gobelt conjouring some coffee "Well aren't you the brightest ray of sunshine"

"I can't function this early Ron nor will I ever"  I say croackily, taking a sip of the coffee and feel it instantly warm my throat.

"I cannot believe it!" Hermione exclaims, Harry and Ron glance at her, she slams the paper onto the table.

"What is it now ?" I groan at Hermione's sudden burst of anger at a newspaper, though, it wasn't out of the ordinary.

"'Ministry Passes Educational Decree Number Twenty-Three: Dolores Umbridge Appointed Hogwarts High Inquistor' ?"Ron reads aloud, I almost splatter my coffee down my robes.

"What ?!" I ask trying not to choke on my coffee, Ron snickers at what I had done.

"What's that mean ?" Ron asks, Hermione exchange looks as if to say 'Do you want to tell him or should I ?'

"It says here that the High Inquisitor has the power to inspect all of the teachers" Hermione states, I nod in reply.

"You're kidding!" Harry exclaims, he looks between Hermione and I. Raising my eyebrows as to 'Yeah'

"That's not all. . ." Hermione sighs.

"The High Inquisitor also has the power to sack teachers as well" I say, taking another sip Fred and Geroge march by.

"Well aren't y-" George quirks cockily.

"Don't even start Weasley, I've already had your younger brother, I'm not about to hear the same thing before I finish my coffee" I cut him off, taking another sip placing it on the table taking a bite of the bacon sandwich that had appeared on my plate.

"So, seen the news have you ?" Fred questioned knowingly.

"Personally, I envy you three" George says sitting with his legs on each side of the bench leaning on the table looking at them.

"Why's that ?" Ron asks bewildered.

"Umbridge is inpecting McGonagall in your period. That old toad won't know what hit her," George smiles, looking at Fred and I wistfully "Oh, to be youthful again, to experience the innocent glee of watching Umbridge be destroyed by the greatest Head Of Gryffindor this century"

"Well, we'll expect a full report after" Fred says jokingly, George rises giving me a small peck on the cheek before leaving.

"Complete with facial expressions" George smiles, they wandered off to the other end of the table. Quickly stuffing the final slice of my bacon sandwich, in my mouth.

"Are you and George ?" Harry asks, with a puzzled look gesturing his the directions the twins walked off in.

"Are you dating my brother ?" Ron asks, looking at me.

"I cshan't spweachk wid ma moucht fwull sworry!" I say, hastily getting up and speed walked down the corridor. Making my way quickly to the common room so that they wouldn't question me any more.

Thank Merlin I got away in time. Merlin knows what would happen if Ron found out, the whole school would know within a matter of minutes.


Getting ready as quickly as I could, making my way to meet George at the gates along with a list of other students, including Cho. Ugh.

Quickly making our way to Hogsmead to wait inside the Hog's Head for Ron, Harry and Hermione.

It had been at least half an hour before they had turned up, the three stepped into the pub they saw us all:

Dean, Neville, Lavender, Pavarti and Padma Patil, Cho, Luna, Katie, Alica, Angelina, Colin and Dennis, Ernie, Justin, Hannah, Anthony, Michael, Terry, Ginny, Fred and George, Lee, Zacharias and at least 5 others.

Harry looks questioningly at Hermione.

"Hermione, what's going on ?" Harry asks, confused at seeing us desnely populating this small pub.

"These are some people I mentioned my Defence Against The Dark Arts idea with" Hermione replies, sitting down.

"You mean about us teaching ourselves ?" Harry asks, in a almost quizzical tone.

"Hey, Harry" Neville says waving at him.

"Hey, Neville" He replies.

"It's good to see that the horned snorkle-stacks haven't gotten you yet, Harry" Luna says dreamily, looking over to him.

"Uh. . .same to you, Luna" Harry replies, a confused tone laced in his words.

Hermione beats on the table, to grab everyone's attention.

"Hi, everyone. I thought it wold be good if we met and talked over how we wanted to teach ourselves Defense Against The Dark Arts," She pauses "Beacause we need to learn it properly, not the rubbish Umbridge is doing" She says bitterly, as the 'Umbridge' brought a distate in her mouth.

"Hear, hear!" Fred says joyfully.

"Obviously, this will help us pass our O.W.L.s, but more importantly, it gives us the ability to protect ourselves from. . .Lord Voldemort" Hermione says pausing, it looked like it took her all her strength and courage to say Lord Voldemort's name.

Looking around the room to find that several people, including Cho, have either jumped or winced at his name. Looking over to Hermione, she takes a shuddering breath, looking exhilarated turning to Harry.

"That's the first time you've said his name" Harry says, Hermione looks pleased with herself.

"How do we know You-Know-Who's really back ?" Zacharias asks cockily.

"Don't be so naive Zach" I say, turning around to say it to his face.

"Dumbledore believes he is" George adds, trying to find a way to justify that Lord Voldemort was back.

"You mean Dumbledore believes him" Justin Finch, pipes up nodding in Harry's direction.

"He's got a point" I whisper to Hermione, she looks at the group in consideration.

"That's true, but I think we're drifting from the purpose-" Hermione says thoughtfully, Harry cuts her off.

"It's okay Hermione," Harry says turning towards the giant group of teenagers before him "I believe Voldemort's back because I fought him last year. Dumbledore's already told the school that. If you didn't believe him, you won't believe anyone" Harry states simply, a tense silence falls over the crowd.

Looking around the room, to see all different kinds of looks on each of their faces.

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