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What that woman had done to this school is unbelievable.

I met Harry, Hermione and Ron in the courtyard.

"So what's going-" I start, walking up over to them.

"Can you believe what that vile woman has done to this school!" Hermione exclaims, looking at Ron and Harry our eyes wide.

"Well," Ron says, making our way down "I'm going to Quidditch practice" Ron says gesturing to what he was wearing. Dressed head to toe in Quidditch robes.

"And we're off to Hagrids," Harry says, looking at Ron "Are you sure you can't ? Hagrid said it was important" Harry says, trying to plead with him.

"No way. Quidditch practice," Ron responds seriously "If I don't show up, Angelina'll go mad" Ron finishes, slightly scared.

"What about you Elyse ?" Hermione asks, looking towards me.

"Yeah, I think I'll go with Ron to see if I can help him practice as much as Angelina hates the very Earth I walk on" I chuckle, pointing over to Ron.

"Okay" Harry says finally, walking off with Hermione.

We part ways. This was the first time Ron and I had been alone. Considering I'm dating his brother, this was going to be an awkward situtation and that's leaving the Yule Ball out of it.

"What do you see in him ?" Ron asks, I look at him shocked.

"Well, I mean," I stammer, taking in a breath "I like his hair colour, he's funny and his smile" I say, dreamily.

"Really ?" Ron joks, I nudge him playfully "What ?" He asks grumpily.

"What's wrong ?" I ask, aproaching the Quidditch pitch.

"It just seems that everyone likes my brothers more than me" Ron says, adjusting his gloves.

"I mean," I say playfully, he shoots me a glare. I give him a reassuring smile "You're plently likable Ron there's nothing wrong feeling that way but you shouldn't feel overshadowed by your brothers, d'you get what I'm saying ?" I ask, looking at him reasurringly.

"Yeah" He sighs, looking at me.

"I'll see you in the stands" I say finally, making my way over to the entrance by the stands. I was grabbed and pushed up against the back of the bike shed by a blur of orange.


"Hey there beautiful" He smiles, putting his hands on either side of my head enclosing me in his arms.

"Hello handsome" I say, looking at him in his full beater gear. I loved him in uniform. He just wore it so well. After what happened with Mr.Weasley McGonagall decided to lift the lifelong ban on George and Harry, she thought it would help them cope.

"I just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you since breakfast" George smirks, leaning in for a kiss.

"Really ?" I ask, leaning in our lips inches apart.

We shared a quick passionate kiss. His fingers dancing on the edge of my shirt. Mine laced in his firey hair.

"WEASLEY!" Angelia's voice shouted out in rage.

"Oh seriously we're just getting to the best part" George groans, leaning in again.

"I think you should go, I don't want you to get in trouble," I say, placing a finger to his lips "And I don't want Angelia hating me more than she already does, you'll be great my love" I say finally, pecking him on the lips making my way back to the stands entrance.


Quidditch practice went past in a blur. Making my way to the bike shed waiting by it to see the Twins approach, their little brother in close pursuit behind them.

"How do you think we did ?" Fred asks cockily, leaning on his twin.

"You're both really good beaters but," I say, straining the last part of my scentence "You need to work on your broom movements you're flying all over the place, you look like baby birds trying to fly" I say, looking over to Ron.

"Right" The twins say, their egos deflated.

"And you Ron," I say, clapping a hand on his shoulder. Ron places his broom into the broom shed.

"Don't tell me, I don't think I can handle much more ridicule" Ron says sadly, pulling his helmet off and holding it under his arm.

"You did really well on with your broom, you just need a little more balance," I say, he smiles at me geninely happy with what I'd said "Your broom isn't a snake so don't be scared of it. Just keep your hands firm and you'll get used to it" I say, walking up to the main castle with the Weasley boys.

"That's what we keept saying," Fred exasperates.

"So true Fred," George says, on the other side of him.

"If we've told you more than once you should-" The twins says simultaneously.

"Remember," Ron groans, looking at them "Yeah, I know" He sighs.

"You ready for tonight ?" The Twins ask on either side of me, excitement ringing in their voices.

"Of course! I planned the whole thing after all" I smile smugly.

"Well not all of it" George says, trying to pursuade Fred.

"Yeah," Fred says unconvinced "No, she planned all of it" He sighes defeatedly.

"Well at least we, uh. . ." George says, I cockily raised an eyebrow "We got the supplies!" He smiles triumphantly.

"That you did boys," I say, reaching the main doors "Now remember be smooth, slient and sly okay ? Just follow the plan" I say confidently, mischeif boiling inside us bubbling at the edges.

"Understood" The Twins say in unison giving me a salute before headed up to their common room Ron in tow, bombaring them with questions about: What was going to happen tomorrow ?

The truth was everything and nothing. This was my last chance to prove myself the worthiest prankster and joker in school.

The next morning I woke up buzzing.

Feeling the excitement sparkling at the end of my fingertips.

Today was the day.

The day that she would finally learn.

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now