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Instantly grabbing it, making my way to the goal 2 Gryffindors are chasing my tail, a small smirk creeping on my face. Shoot and instantly scored a goal. Gryffindor soon scored after.

". . .And Slytherin is up forty to ten, Alica with the Quaffle!" Lee Jordan says commentating on the game.

Alica spins through the blizzard, I chase after her. Two beaters emerge, Crabbe and Goyle. Both of them take a swing at her.

What are they doing ? Gryffindor'll get a penalty point if they're caught. And she'll be hurt.

She twists around her on her broom and the clubs swish harmlessly past.

Thank Merlin.

Stopping breifly.

"I'll talk to you two later only hit the Bludgers not the players!" I shout furiously, she pushes for the Slytherin goals.

"Block it look to your left!" I shout, Alica hurtles the Quaffle. It's blocked by our keeper!  YES!

Below in the stands, there is a groan from the Gryffindor side. From the Slytherins, there is a chant:

'Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He always lets the Quaffle in,
Weasley is our King!'

Looking over to Ron at the goals, Harry pulls up near him and says something to him.

Grabbing the Quaffle passing it, getting it back making my way to the goal and throwing it. Ron dives for it but misses.

'Sorry ' I mouth to him, he nods in response.

A loud groan is heard from the Gryffindor side, it becomes over powered by the roaring Slytherin side.

"Another ten points to Slytherin. The score is now fifty-ten in favour of Slytherin" Lee Jordan comments over the game.

Draco flies up beside Ron.

"I should thank you, Weasley. You're definately our best player! " Draco laughs, he flies past me.

Still the game continues. My heart beating overtime from the sheer excitement of the game and the feeling of the wind whipping against my face and hair.

The snitch blasts past Draco. He instantly takes off in pursuit. Harry rockets after him at top speed, ignoring the snow.

Harry and Draco give chase, following the snitch at top speed. Draco far closer than Harry. They reach with all their might.

Harry's hand inches out in front of Draco and closes around the snitch. Draco claws at the back of Harry's gloved hands.

The crows goes wild, I slowly clap at Harrys triumph. Sarcastically and supportive.

If you can do that simaltaneously.

Behind Harry, without warning, Crabbe emerges from the blizzard and cracks Harry across the back of the head with his club.

"Harry! " I scream Harry slumps forward, and nose-dives into the pitch, rolling to a stop. There is a groan of sympathy fom the crowd. Landing with other Gryffindors and slide on my knees next to him.

"Harry!" I shout taking his head in my hands and lightly tapping his cheek, I can see him drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Harry, are you all right ?"  Hermione asks, frantically.

Fred and George join me, they lift Harry to his feet.

"Bet you loved that Potter! Saved Weasley's neck, didn't you ?" Draco spits out, the Gryffindors ignore him myself doing the same "I've never seen a worse Keeper! Maybe we should add some more verses to our little song. About his filthy mother!" Draco shouts, a smirk on his face.

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now