T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Flashback - 1998 - The Battle of Hogwarts.

Spells are flying everywhere, I gaze from behind the pile of the Hogwarts architecture that has fallen from outside.

A death eater throws a curse, I block it rolling out from the rubble and making my way to the main castle grounds.

My eyes land on a figure, it's Neville, he runs out the sword of Gryffindor clenched tightly between his hands and he swings, the blade slicing through the neck of the abnormally sized snake.

It dissolves into black smoke, a hiss and ghostly figures of The Dark Lord's face emerging and twisting into the air billowing off with the direction of the wind.

I look to the main courtyard outside the front of Hogwarts, Harry and The Dark Lord raise their wands and shoot spells at each other. Harry's spells is more powerful, causing the Elder Wand to flip and fly into Harry's free hand.

The Dark Lord falls to his knees, grasping his dominant hand with the other. His face contorts and pulls as his skin flakes and peels from his face. His cloak doing to the same, as it falls through the air like pieces of snow.

Each part of him flying away into the ether, he's finally gone.

He's done it.

Voldemort is dead.

I try to find Fred and George, I run up to the place where they last where. The window was empty, I run down into the main hall and spot the familiar burning orange hair of The Weasleys.

Their huddled together, I can hear Mrs. Weasleys as I approach. George's head snaps to me as he gets up from where he was crouched and runs straight towards me.

I run towards him, he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. He squeezes me, I pull back and look at him, cupping his face in my hands. His lips tremble as he try's to pull them into a smile, his body shakes and he cries. His face buried in the crook of my neck, I place my hands on his back looking over his shoulder to see the body of his twin brother.


I feel the air leave my body, I place my hands on his back and grip into his robes. My knees give out, George and I sink to the floor holding onto each other, crying over the loss of his brother.

"Elyse," He sobs, I rub his back to console him "I can't do this anymore," He sniffs, I rub his back and pull back my eyebrows knit together "I'm sorry I just n-need some space," He says, his body shaking "I love you" He cups my face and kisses me on the lips.

He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand and makes his way over to the rest of his family.

That was the last time I saw George.


I hug Mrs. Weasley once I get to the door. Her eyes are wet as if she's going to cry just from seeing me, she smiles and places a motherly kiss on my forehead.

"Oh I'm so please to see you dear," She smiles, and dabs her eyes with a white lace handkerchief "You'll find George in his room, you remember where it is done you lovie?" She asks, her eyes scanning mine.

"Yes I do Mrs-" I start, looking at the clock of the Weasley family. The picture of Fred stuck underneath the label of DEAD. Some part of me still thinks that he'll come bounding through the door, with the usual Weasley grin as is nothing's happened.

"Please call me Molly dear," She insists "Tea?"

"Yeah, please if you don't mind" I say, as she snaps me out of my thoughts. I gaze over at the clock one last time, I place my hand on the railing, my foot lands on the step the familiar squeak putting me at ease as I ascend the stairs.

I reach the floor of George's bedroom, my eyes land on the door. I approach, my hand hovers in front of the door, I knock gingerly and I hear a light stir.

"Mum I'm not coming do-" He starts as he opens the door.

His eyes go wide as he sees me, I look over him. The bags under his eyes a light shade of purple, his hair sticking up in every direction that it could manage.

He takes me by the wrist and closes the door behind us. He stands in front of the door as I stand in the middle of his bedroom, he approaches me slowly and takes my face in his hands lightly.

His fingers softly brush over my skin, he swipes his thumb over my lower-lip. His eyes darting around my face, as if he's seeing it for the first time.

"God I've missed you" He sighs, pulling my face to his for a soft kiss on the lips.

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now