T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Harry looks staggered.

"I'm not sure I understand all that, sir..." He trails off, looking at Dumbledore searching his calm expression for an answer.

"It means that the only person with the chance of defeating Voldemort was born at the end of July to parents who had resisted him three times before" Dumbledore spoke, not breaking his gaze from Harry.

"And...it means me?" Harry questions.

"Interestingly, there were two boys whom the prophesy could have been referring to. You and Neville Longbottom" Dumbledore says, lacing his hand together on the table.

"So it's not necessarily me, sir?" Harry asks.

"You forget the next qualification of the prophesy. The Dark Lord will mark this boy as his equal," He pauses, I glance over to Harry my eyes landing on his scar "In giving you that scar, Voldemort did so. I'm afraid that the prophesy is most certainly referring to you"

"What if he chose wrong?" Harry says, moving his gaze from Dumbledore to the window.

"He chose the child he believed to be more dangerous. He chose the 'half-blood' wizard because he saw some of himself in you. He tried to kill you and instead gave you the power and the future to destroy him" Dumbledore spoke, his face regaining it's calm and stillness.

"Why didn't he wait? Why attack when we were babies?" Harry asks, really Harry?

Of all questions to ask?

"Voldemort had an informant listening to my meeting with Professor Trelawny. Fortunatly he was discovered before he could hear the entire prophesy. Voldemort had to act immediately, he didn't know the rest of the prophesy. All he knew was that he had to destroy the child who would grow to be a threat to his power" Dumbledore, letting his words settle.

"But I don't have any special powers" Harry added, looking from the window back to Dumbledore.

"There is a room in the Department of Mysteries which is kept locked at all times. It contains a forces so wonderful and yet terrible that it is greater than Death itself. It is that power which you have a incredible amounts of and of which Voldemort had none" Dumblefore affirmed.

"What is it, sir?" Harry asked, looking over at me quickly.

"This power drove you to save Sirius tonight. It kept Voldemort from possessing you, he cannot bear to touch it. In the end, it was your heart and not your head that saved you," Harry looks away "There is only the end of the prophesy which we haven't addressed. It states 'neither can live while the other survives'," Dumbledore speaks, Harrys gaze lifts to connects with his "It is the final burden which I must place on you, Harry"

"Once of us has to kill the other...in the end" Harry sighs, Dumbledore nods tears begining to mist in his eyes.

We all sit in silence for a moment, Dumbledore softly wipes a tear from his cheek.

"You are dissmissed," Dumbledore sighs, I rise from my seat "Elyse, I must have word with you before you leave" I look to Harry, he nods and opens it, leaving us alone.

"I know Professor, I don't know what to do" I spoke, looking at my hands turning them slowly.

"You have to be the one to tell him, I've played my part and now it is time to play yours" He says, clamly, gesturing towards the door. Walking towards the door, I quickly turn back.

"Professor what's wrong with me ?" I ask, my hand on the door knob.

"That is question you must reserve for your mother and father, I'm sure they'll be able to explain better than I can" He sighs, cleaning his glasses, I nod and exit.

"What do we do now?" I ask, Harry lifts his gaze from his shoes to mine.

"I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure George'll want to know that you got back in once piece" Harry chuckles, his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah," I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck "You and I, we...um have to talk later" I say, patting him on the shoulder walking away, shaking my head.

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