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My eyes land on George his face was laced with rage and fear, he shoves his face near Sirius'.

"That's our father out there dying!" George says angrily.

"I can't let you leave. I'm sorry" Sirius says sadly. He slowly draws his wand, holding it loosely at his side.

The point was not lost to anyone.

"You don't even care! You wouldn't even understand!" Fred says furiously.

Standing by George putting my hand to his wrist, he looks at me his face becoming less hard.

Sirius stares at Fred incredulously.

"I was part of the first Order. I lost my best friends to You-Know-Who," He says, his eyes flicker to Harry.

My hand lacing with George's his body started to become less tense.

"He's all I have left of them. Believe me, I don't want Arthur to die," Sirius pauses "But there as some things worth dying for!" He finishes, looking at them both.

Fred and George look cowed by the haunted look in Sirius' eyes. Giving George's hand a light squeeze of reassurance.

Finally everyone sinks into chairs around the table. George lets go of my hand, putting his head in his hands. He shakes slightly, he seems to be crying. Putting my hand onto his back giving his shoulder a small squeeze. Fred stares at the wall blankly. Ginny weeps softly, Ron puts his arm around her.

Harry sits away from us, by himself.


The night has passed, waking up slowly finding my head resting on George's shoulder. His head is backwards, mouth gaping open. The front door opens with a small slam. Fred and Ginny wake with a start at this. Ginny gets up, to look into the entry.

"Mum!" She says happily, I can hear her footsteps thump heavily and come to a stop.

Feeling my heart light up at how happy the rest Weasley siblings will be to see their mum.

The Weasleys get up slowly and make their way to the entry hall and hug their mother all at once. Harry gets up wearily I watch him, I'm in the doorway between the entry hall and the kitchen. He joins me standing back, watching the Weasleys reuntied in the hall. A sad look dawns on Harry's face.

"Hey," I say quietly, he looks at me sadly "You've got that too" I say, he looked at me confused.

"How ?" He asks, his gaze sad.

"You've got us," I say, pointing to me and the rest of the Weasleys "Your friends are your family" I say finally, his sad look slowly shifting into a happy one.

"Your father's alive. He's going to make it" Mrs. Weasley says happily, Harry makes his way back into the kitchen.


The day has passed. Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, myself and Tonks. George and I have our fingers laced togther.

We walk over to a run-down storefront with a single mannequin in the display window. Tonks moves right up to the window.

"We're here to see Arthur Weasley" Tonks says to the mannequin.

The mannequin beckons us in with its finger. Tonks steps into the glass and vanishes, we follow suit. I always hated that mannequin. It's so creepy.

We enter a packed reception area. All damaged or injured in the course of their own magical lives. Many move around wearing white robes with the insignia of a wand and bone crossed over each other.

Mrs.Weasley marches, in her usual determined motherly way, through the crowd.

"This way. Come on!" She says hurriedly, we follow after her.

We follow her to see, Professor Moody. Tonks stops at the door, standing next to him.

"We'll wait outside at first, Molly. It should be family first" Tonks says, I stop by Tonks, letting go of George's hand his eyebrows furrow looking towards his mum.

Mrs. Weasley nods and pushes her children through the door. Harry holds, back to look at me Mrs. Weasley beckons to him and I smile at him.

"Don't be silly, Harry. You too," She says happily ushering him inside "Come on Elyse" She says gesturing towards the door.

"Actually, Molly we need to speak to her alone" Moody says slightly grim. Mrs.Weasley nods in understanding.

"Right," Tonks says, she looks behind to see if the door is shut "We need to tell you something"

"Something that could change your life forever" Moody says seriously.

"Okay, I'm ready" I answer not knowing what will happen.

"You are Harry's cousin," Tonks says in an excited whisper, I almost tumble backwards hit with an invisible force "Your mother was James' sister and married to another pureblood family, James was the secret keeper to your house to protect you against You-Know-Who and when he died so did the location of your family keeping you safe from You-Know-Who" Tonks speaks in a hurried whisper.

"To our knowledge the Weasleys are you God parents, am I correct ?" Moody asks, I nod in agreement.

This has to be a joke ? Surely, can't it ?

Coming from Moody. It had to be serious.

"I can't believe it," I sigh, holding my head "I'm Harry's cousin!" I whisper shout.

"Yes, yes all good and touchy-feely but we're not done," Moody says looking behind to see if the door is still closed and remain that way.

"We want you to be part of the Order" Moody says hurriedly, I look over to the door to see that it was still closed.

Soon the door opens, all the Weasleys file out except Harry.

Tonks places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a light squeeze for reassurance, she and Moody make their way in closing the door behind them. Ron leans on the door listening with his ear.

George wraps an arm around my waist. Earning a quizzical look from his mother.

"What did they talk to you about ?" George asks quietly in case anyone was listening in.

"Just Hogwarts and the Order" I reply, slightly bending the truth.

"So nothing that interesting ?" George asks, looking at me his eyes intent.

"Well they did tell me something that I think that you might not know," I say, thinking about what to say next "Your mum and dad are my God parents" I smile, looking back at him.

"Really ?" George asks, his face shocked with a mixture of happiness.

"Yeah," I said as I looked at him with a smile "That means you could come over during the holidays or I could go over to yours if our parents agree on it" I say, looking over to Mrs. Weasley she stares at us intently. Her expression kind, warm.

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