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Looking at him intently scanning his eyes, looking at his lips then back to his eyes.

"It's fine," I sigh, our eyes locked "I'll always be here if you need me" I say, he looks at me intently.

"I'm glad" He answers, he cups the back of my head with his hand looking at my lips kissing me softly, lacing my fingers into his firey red hair, melting into him.

Feeling my heart race, hearing my heartbeat fill my ears.

George POV

Her lips are so soft. I couldn't help but kiss her. Is this. . .love ?

Elyse POV

His lips are so soft. I couldn't help but kiss back.

Wanting to be with him in this moment, never wanting to leave his side.

George POV

She's my everything.

Elyse POV

He's my everything.

Pulling back pursing my lips together. George and I looked at each other.

"You kiss by the book" I sigh jokingly, earning a small chuckle from George in response.

"That's why," He pauses smiling, looking at me intently "I love you" He sighs, kissing me once more and pulled back. Too quickly for my liking.

Stunned, I didn't know what to say. This was only the second time we'd kissed since The Yule Ball. Passionatly that is.

"I," I sigh, my chest falling and rising heavily "Love you too"

George and I both grinning ear to ear.


Making my way to the Room of Requirement with George, our fingers laced.

Earning gasps from the crowd as we enter. Making my way to the back and standing by Hermione. George stood by Fred giving me a wink. Smiling, as a Katie Bell, whom was behind me thought that he was winking at her instead.

Harry had now entered.

"Glad to see all of you could find this place all right" Harry says happily.

"Hey, Harry, what is all this stuff ?" Neville asks.

Harry looks around the room, Dark Detectors and Sneakascopes and similar devices are scattered around.

"Loads of Defense against the Dark Arts equipment. Hopefully we'll be able to get all of it before the end of term," Harry says, pacing infront of us "You need to understand something before we start, though. We have one Slytherin who has joined us and if you don't like it you know where the door is," Harry says adressing the whole group.

I nod at him, thanking him

"Now. Defending yourself from the Dark Arts has less to do with magical ability and more to do with thinking fast and a lot of luck," Harry pauses "We'll be doing Expelliarmus tonight, though hopefully we can move on to other things if we have enough time" Harry says, concerned about the time.

"Oh please. Professor Lockhart taught us that in second year" Zacharias says cockily, I let out a small scoff.

"Lockhart didn't teach as much as prune himself" Ron says comically.

"Besides, it works. I used it against You-Know-Who last June. It saved my life," Harry says which causes Zacharias to fall silent "Right. Well, let's split into pairs and give it a go" Harry says, I walk over to Lavender and pair up with her, she smiles at me kindly.

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now