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"Right. Of Course. Well, we proceeded down to the Room and entered," Umbridge pauses, looking at Harry and I "We caught Potter and Walker just outside. But it doesn't matter. We've found all of their names" She pulls out the roster list that Hermione had made up from her pocket.

Harry and I look at each other in horror.

Fudge gapes at it, snatching it out of Umbridge's hands. He looks up, an expression of twisted delight on his face.

"So, Dumbledore, you've been behind this whole thing," Fudge says handing the paper to Dumbledore, who looks at it. Dumbledore suddenly seems lost for words.

"Dumbledore's Army" Fudge says in a harsh whisper.

"Well, Minister. You've caught me" Dumbledore says pleasantly, spreading his hands widely. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, sharing the same bewildered look as Harry.

"This has all been your doing! You've been recruiting students for your army!" Fudge exclaims in horror.

"Quite correct, Cornelius" Dumbledore says plainly.

"I knew it! I KNEW it! You've been plotting against me this whole time!" Fudge exclaims, pointing to him.

"That's right" Dumbledore quirks.

"This is too good to be true!" Fudge exclaims.

Harry turns his gaze from me, to Dumbledore.

"Professor, no!" Harry says, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Quite, Harry!" Dumbledore commands, looking to Harry to stay silent.

"What is going on ?" I mutter, confused about the whole situation.

"Yes, shut up, Potter. So, you'll be coming with us to the Ministry-" Fudge says, his voice slightly trembling.

"Ah, yes. I was wondering when we'd hit that little snag" Dumbledore speaks, looking to Fudge his expression calm.

"I see no snag, Dumbledore" Fudge replies confused.

"But I do. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I would 'come quietly'" Dumbledore says matter of factly.

"Resisting arrest, now are you, Dumbledore ?" Fudge asks, furriously.

"Precisley. You see, I have absolutely no intention of going to Azkaban" Dumbledore says. Looking at the corner of my eye and see that the auror closest to Kingsley, is slowly moving his hand to his pocket.

"Don't be silly, Hawkes. Leave the wand there" Dumbledore says, the man he addressed stops.

"You would you really take on two Aurors, Dolores, and myself Dumbledore ?" Fudge asks in slight confidence.

"Naturally. All of you did rather well on your spellwork at this school, but if you attempt to take me in by force, I'm afraid I shall have to hurt you" Dumbledore speaks looking towards Fudge, his expression vacant.

In one motion, all of the aurors have drawn their wands. Harry body slams me to the floor as I cover my head.

Hearing the cracking of spells whip across the room. There is a shout from an auror, scuffling of feet another bang and then silence.

Looking to Harry his face inches from mine.

"Thanks" I smile awkwardly.

"Don't mention it" He says pulling himself up offering me a hand.

Looking around as the dust settles. Dumbledore hasn't moved. His desk is broken in half.

Dumbledore moves swiftly towards us.

"Are you alright ?" Dumbledore asks, I nod in response. Professor McGonagall is standing, dusting herself off.

"Yes, we're fine," Professor McGonagall pauses "Oh where will you go, Albus ?" She asks, her eyebrows laced with worry.

"I'm not going into hiding. Fudge will soon regret removing me from Hogwarts" Dumbledore says, looking around the room.

Harry moves to Dumbledore's side.

"I'm so sorry Professor !" He says, his voice full of regret.

Dumbledore just smiles at him.

What have we done ?

"It's fine. Now listen to me, Harry. Keep studying Occlumency, do everything Professor Snape tells you," Dumbledore says, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder "Close your mind, you will understand, in time"

Looking over to Fudge who begins to stir.

"Lay back down. They must not think we have had time to talk" Dumbledore says urgently.

Laying back where I was with Harry's body guarding mine.

Dumbledore claps his hands above his head, Fawkes flys overhead. They both vanish in a flash of fire.

Fudge opens his eyes as the happens.

"Find him!" Fudge exclaims, to the aurors around him.

Umbridge, Percy, Kingsley, Hawkes, and Fudge race from the office. McGonagall ushers Harry, Marietta and I out of the office.


Sitting at the Slytherin table the next morning.

Dumbledore was gone. How where the Gryffindors going to react ?

Umbridge stands up from the staff table, holding a long scroll of parchment.

"Hem, hem," She hums, in a high pitch tone. God I wanted to jinx her so badly "'By Order of the Ministry Of Magic : Dolores Jane Umbridge will replace Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry'," She speaks, there is a huge discomforting shift in all the students.

Everyone falls quiet in shock.

"My first act as your new Headmistress is to form an Inquisitional Squad, lead by Draco Malfoy. They will report directly to me about the goings on in the halls of this school," She says happily, a smug smile plastered on Drac's face "Furthermore, our good caretaker, Mr.Filch has requested we reinstate the 'old punishments' I have decided that there is no reason we shouldn't" She continues, My heart sank. Oh no.

Fred and George.

They were going to get it.

And me.

I had to get out of here. I couldn't stay. Not with her in charge.

What was going to happen to Hogwarts wasn't going to be good. All I knew was that Gryffindors were going to be at the bottom of the food chain. With Slytherins on top.

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now