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Finally the door opens.

". . .we searched the whole floor, Arthur, but we couldn't find that snake. Why a snake anyway ?" Tonks asks, exiting the room.

"He proably sent it as a lookout. See what he's up against. That's the closest he's ever gotten to it," Moody repsonds, "So, Potter says he saw the whole thing ?" Moody asks, his magic eye spins focusing on a few things at a time.

"Yes. You know, Dumbledore seems like he's been waiting for something like this to happen. When I spoke to him this morning, he seemed very worried about Harry." Mrs.Weasley says reassuringly, Harry's face drained of colour.

"He should be. I mean, if You-Know-Who is really possessing him. . ." Moody trails, his good eyes staring at Harry.

Fred, George and I make our way ahead of the group and out to where the mannequin let us in and wait for the rest of the group to exit.

"So what did Romeo and Juilet get up to before all this happened ?" Fred asks, in his usual joking tone we both looked at each other.

"Well. . ." George starts, itching the back of his neck his ears and cheeks a slight shade of crimson.

"We went for drinks in The Three Broomsticks and then George took me back to my Common Room. That was it" I say, feeling the heat of a thousand fires warm my cheeks and causing my stomach to flip.

"Oh really ?" Fred asks, in his usual interested tone.

"Yeah" George breaths, turning to see everyone exit.

"You will not believe what just happened!" Ron bursts out, joining us.


Mrs.Weasley, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Hermione, Moody, Tonks and I all walk into the entry hall of Grimmauld Place.

Mrs. Weasley looks at Harry concernedly.

"Are you alright, Harry dear ? You look like you're going to be sick." Mrs.Weasley states concerned. Harry doesn't answer, but marches up the stairs and shuts the door.

Bit rude.

Mrs.Weasley is about to go up the stairs.

"It's okay Mrs. Weasley, I got this" I say, stopping her making my way up.


Leaving him until everyone was asleep, I could hear shuffling from Harry's room.

It was early morning.

Leaning on the wall, facing Harry's door as he exits.

"Running away are we ?" I ask, making Harry jump slightly.

"I have to" He replies, I raise my eyebrow letting out a sigh.

"You know, I thought Gryffindors had to be brave" I chuckle, pushing off the wall my arms crossed over my chest.

"I won't hurt anyone else" Harry says sadly, I push his shoulder, causing him to stumble back onto his bed.

"Come off it," I sigh, sitting next to him "And stop blaming everything on you it's not your fault, not everything's your fault Harry" I say, looking at him.

"Well it should be" Harry mumbles, placing his bag by his side lacing his hands together.

"Harry," I say squarely "Just because You-Know-Voldemort is after you doesn't mean that everything that he does is your fault, he is a malicious and evil man and will stop at nothing, you know that. So why should you blame yourself ? It's his doing that caused Mr. Weasley to be in St. Mungo's, not you," I say finally, making my way to the door "Now if I where you I'd unpack that bag and try to get some sleep" I say finally closing the door behind me, making my way back to my room. Ginny passed me in the hallway, we exchanged a quick smile.

Opening my door and climbing back into bed. Hoping that what I said would put at least the smallest bit of sense into him.


Getting up with sunlight pouring in through the square window. A small headache pushes at my left temple, forcing me out of bed, making my way down to the kitchen to still find that Siruis and I are the only ones up.

"Morning," I yawn streching my arms, Sirius nods in reply "What's on the menu today ?" I ask myself opening the fridge and pulling out 3 eggs and 4 slices of bacon.

"What you doing with all that Ms.Walker ?" I hear a cold voice ask from the kitchen chair, he pronounced the 's' as a 'z', causing me to jump slightly. Turning slowly, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.

Oh Merlin.

"Making breakfast" I say, my hand hovering at the stove switch. My hands became lighter as the eggs and bacon had flown out of my hands and started to cook themselves.

"Don't worry about it," Snape sneered "Sit"

Complying instantly, not wanting to earn one of his usual cold glares and an hour of lines.

"Harry, have you seen Kreacher ? I haven't seen him for a few days now" Sirius asks, Harry enters looking in the fridge.

"Foods ready" I say, Harry closes the fridge door.

"Haven't seen him" He answers looking over to the stove, Harry's eyes land on Snape.

"Oh well. Maybe he's crawled up into the air ducts and died. . .musn't get my hopes up though" Sirius jokes, looking over to Harry.

"Potter, excellent. I'd like a word" Snape says, maintaining eye contact with him "Sit, Potter"

"You know, I don't like people giving orders in my house" Sirius says slightly hurt.

"How unfortunate for you. Now kindly get out, my instructions from Dumbledore are to talk with Potter alone" Snape stresses. I was about to get up, Sirius sits me down with my wrist.

"I'm his godfather. I think I'll stay" Sirius opposes, I sit awkwardly between the two riviling friends. Snape curls his lip in anger but keeps quiet.

"Very well, then. I know how you like to pretend you're useful" Snape says. Sirius stiffens, but ignores his snarky remark.

Slowly getting up from my chair and plate my food slipping out of the room to avoid the awkward eye contact and start eating.

We'll be back at Hogwarts soon, when all of this is over.

At least I could have lessons with Snape that wasn't in my pyjamas, with slightly less awkward eye contact.

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now