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"You ready ?" George asked, Fred and I.

We clutched our hands on our brooms, holding onto them for dear life.

"As I'll ever be," I say, smiling at them "Now I've known that this day will come and I can't believe what we're doing, and I wouldn't want to do it with any other pranksters, and remember this I love you both so much" I say, giving them each a one armed hug.

It was so close.

My excitement was bubbling at the edge.

Leaning my ear against the door, hearing the familiar sound of quill against paper.

Opening the door a small crack.

I set off the first one.


Then Fred.


Then George.


We waited until hearing the faint click of Umbridge's heels click against the stone floor, ready to set off another.

We all run to the end of the corridor and hopped onto our brooms. Giving them both a firm handshake with a confident smile.

Looking ahead. Desire burning inside, hotter than Hell's flames.

We all lit a whizzler each and letting it fizzle then pop in the hall.

Letting silence fall. I hadn't gripped my wand so tightly, it was like I'd just bought it.

"Wheeeeyy" We all said in unison, rushing past Umbridge almost knocking her over.

We all rushed past the desks knocking off the papers setting off orange and purple fireworks, adrenaline corsing through my veins.

I'd never felt so happy, rushing past Fred and George giving them a crisp high five each.

They rushed past and high fived each other.

Stopping to look at the pandemonium beneath. I'd never seen Umbridge's so shocked. Laughing with joy, amusing myself with the work we had created.

Fred and George, joining me. Fred had the firework I'd made, passing it to me.

"It should be you, you deserve it more than we do!" Fred says happily. George looks at me, pure joy on his face.

"Yeah!" He says flashing a thumbs up at me.

Setting it a light, throwing it behind me zooming away from the explosion as quickly as possible.

The dragon soon began to form its big yellow eyes instantly landing on Umbridge. Her hands went up in fear, her big frog like eyes pulsating out of her head. Pure fear lined in her face.

She turned and ran instantly, hoping her chubbly legs would take her faster than the dragon and out the Entrance Hall door.

It closes its mouth on Umbridge with a fierce snap, exploding in all directions.

Exploding the many rules that lined the walls.

We soared out of the doors and over the forbidden forest, towards the edge of the black lake touching down.

"Sweet Merlin!" I smile happily.

"WOW!" The Twins say, high fiving each other. Both of them crushing me with a hug.

"We did it!" I exclaim, hugging them tighter.

Letting go and gripping onto George's face pulling him into a kiss. Feeling his smile against my lips.

"I'm so glad I have you guys!" I say, pulling away from him. Smiling at them, pulling them in for another hug.

Words couldn't describe how happy I was.

You know when you can't describe a feeling but describe it as indescribable.

It was one of those moments, that was once in a life time.

Looking at them both. Pulling out my coin from the D.A. knowing Hermione would have hers in close proximity.

'I'll be there, I promise' I bewitch, onto the coin.

"I'll be gone for a while but I'll be back as soon as possible" I say, mounting my broom George places his hand on my wrist.

"Where exactly are you going ?" George asks, looking at me concered.

Would I have to lie ? The real question was : Would he believe me ?

"I'm meeting Harry and Hermione later and I need to grab a few things" I say, only slightly bending the truth couldn't hurt.

"Oh, okay," George says, pecking my lips "Just be safe ok ?" He questions, worriedly.

"I promise," I say, mounting my broom "I always am" I say winking at him, kicking off the ground making my way back to the castle.

Letting out a sigh of relief glad that George and Fred bought my white lie, making my way around the castle trying to find an open window. Trying to find the nearest one to the Slytherin common room. An empty classroom on the first floor, edging towards the window looking inside the room. Empty.

Slipping inside carefully, putting one leg and the other slipping my broom in after me. Tapping the broom with my wand, it flew out the window back to the broom shed. Stepping quietly, placing each footstep with care, through the door. Poking my head out, relief washing over me to find that the hallways were empty.

My heart leaped with each closing step I took towards the Slytherin Common Room. Saying the password entered to a huge round of applause and cheers.

"Way to go Elyse !" Pansy wooped from the back.

"Yeah, the most wicked plan for centuries!" A boy shouted from the front. Must be in the year below. Draco.


"Wow, I uh. . ." I stammer trying to piece together a sentence "Thanks everyone" I say smugly, smiling.

I wasn't going to lie I was pretty gobsmacked that, from only Pansy knowing my name to the whole house praising it. Figuring that Fred and George would returned to their common room throwing a house party. Giving everyone a pearly grin of confidence, striding over to the girls bedroom. Closing the door behind me and letting out sigh of relief. Merlin, Slytherins were a tough bunch.

Flopping onto my bed and nuzzling my head into the pillow. I knew that I had to be at the Ministry just after student curfew, it was my best interest to sleep for a few hours before then.

You can't apparate into Hogwarts but who said you couldn't apparate out of it ?

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now