Chapter Three

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"Give me more blood!"

"Come on, were losing him!"

"Shit, we lost a heartbeat, start CPR."

He laid motionless on a white bed, staining to almost all red. His blood poured out by the second as doctors performed an act of CPR. he looked absolutely terrible, the white hair was a mess, his eyes showed emptiness, or being lifeless. He was hooked to heavy breathing equipment, which showed nothing but very shallow breaths.

"Clear!" a huge jolt of electricity only made his limp body jerk upwards. Doctors tried frantically to fix the gaping hole in his head, losing time to save him, Doctors tried once more with the defibrillator, only to find nothing again.

"Sir, we can use a metal plate." A nurse said franticly. "I don't think we have enough time! we can't find a heartbeat." speaking too soon, a heart rate went up. The scary part was, he was waking up. Doctors were trying to make him pass out again, only to fail badly. His body began to shake violently as white foam leaked out of his mouth.

"Hes having a seizure, try and relax him!"

That was the last thing He heard any of the doctors say before the bright room became dark.


Adrian was the most impatient person in the waiting room. He was both crying and freaking out at what Samuel did. He wasn't sitting, but instead he paced around in a small circle. A doctor walked quietly towards Adrian. "Mr. Kalt?" she asked. Adrian looked down at her. She was trying her best to smile a sweet smile. "He made it out of surgery, but, i'm afraid hes slipped himself into a Coma. we are unsure when he will wake up." she said. Adrian nodded understandingly, "As long as hes alive." Adrian was a bit quiet. "Youre welcome to see him." "id love too." Adrian said between soft tears. The doctor signaled him to follow her down the hallway. Adrian loved the boy, but he was scared to see him. Unsure what he looked like now, Adrian kept telling himself that hell the love kid no matter what he looked like in that room.

The two stopped by door that read the numbers 124. "Here he is, ill come back to check on him. Just take your time." she left him alone. Adrian had a firm grip on the handle, his mind clouded with images of him finding the kid basically dead on the bed. Slowly, Adrian opened the door. To what he saw was worst than what he thought of. He was hooked up to various of machines and tubes, close to five I.Vs on each arm, a breathing mask hooked to a very slow beeping heart monitor. To his facial expression, he just looked completely dead. Adrian ran right to his side, the door slamming behind him. Taking his hand in his, Adrian softly cried. "Im so sorry.. I tried to protect you from knowing. He is to blame for this." Adrian kissed the cold hand and looked back to the lifeless looking boy. "Oh god Ace.. i'm sorry you had to be a part of this. I should've left you alone like Alex said, I should've never dragged you into this." the tears just came as he tried to fight them back. Letting go of his hand, Adrian stood back up, he stared at the body. Adrian didnt ever want to leave his side, never wanted to hurt him or leave him for dead. Adrian kept on standing there, hoping to find something that could just be different. Not a thing.. Nothing was different, nothing was tampered with, not a prank or joke, this really happened.

The door opened to reveal three people. A woman, a man and another young boy. Adrian just looked at them as they walked in, except the woman who ran over and cried into her hands. The boy looked at Adrian with a dirty look. "Who are you?" he asked. Adrian tried to find his voice to answer. "Im Headmaster Kalt, and you are?" Adrian asked/said. "Im Paul, this is Katherine and hes Eric." the man said. "Im Ace's boyfriend." Eric said in a smudged tone. What?. Ace never mentioned he had someone before. "How did this happen?" Katherine cried/asked. "Im not sure how, I ran him over as soon as i found him." Adrian explained, he also lied. Eric started to cry as he glared at Adrian. "Liar! You know exactly how it happened! You cant trick me!" Eric yelled. "Sit down." Paul forced the kid into a chair. "You two have a history, i can tell because you were crying too!" "I have to care for my students, me and Ace have no history." Adrian growled at Eric. "lay off him Eric, he can be upset for someone too. Don't think every boy Ace knows is dating him." only that part is kinda true. Adrian gave the tiniest of a blush at the thought of Ace in his arms, only now, it wasnt appropriate to mention that he itched to hold Aces small frame close to his chest. Adrian glanced at Katherine, who was looking at Adrian too. She was giving him a look to where she knew something. Adrian gulped down the lump in his throat, as he tried to figure out if she saw through his lies.

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