Chapter Twelve

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A hand held onto his chin as the two looked directly into each other's eyes.

“My love, what does trouble you?” he asks, hoping for a polite answer.

“What have you done.. To my kids?” Ace was now beyond pissed. He wanted to go home, wanted to feel Adrian’s warmth, wanted to laugh with brother again, see his kids again.  

“Nothing, my dear, nothing. You just sadly miscarried them.” kissing the corners of Ace’s lips, he let himself wander. From his lips to his neck, the man kissed everywhere. Wanting to feel Ace around him, having his lips to himself, he wanted to be selfish with Ace, not Adrian.

“My love, can we speak?”

“It’s not like i have any other choice.” Ace mumbled.

“I want to say that i love you. I never said anything like this to anyone else. I love you, Aceial.”


Gasping, Ace felt a sudden warmth circling around him.  Sitting up, Ace took notice that he was alone. His legs felt like lead and his head pounded in pain. Looking around, Ace found himself in his room. Getting confused, Ace didn’t know he got into his room.  From what he remembers was him with jacob, then suddenly he bumped his head and blacked out, now he was in his room.  Ace groaned and slammed his head back down onto the pillow. He couldn't really do much with his legs since they can’t really move.   He counted the glowing stars that he forgot to take down on his ceiling, looked at the posters on his wall, and just stared at the door.  He wished Adrian would just come through that door and comfort him. As hard as he wished, it didn’t happen. Ace sighed and sat up once more.  Opening his nightstand drawer, Ace smiled. He took out a small green ipod with white earbuds.

“Damn, i must’ve forgotten you.” turning it on, Ace looked at the large variety of music. Disturbed to probably some of The weekend. Clicking on a song, Ace put in the earbuds and relaxed into his pillow.   The song, “Stitches” by Shawn Mendes. Odd song honestly.  Letting the song echo into his ears, Ace slowly fell into a trance of sleep.


Adrian, Katherine, Jacob and Ellie were all around the Island. Katherine thought i was a good idea to show Adrian and Ellie at least ten photo albums of both Ace and Jacob.  A few pictures were when Ace was at least a child. One picture of Ace was with his parents.  His little head poked through Sarah’s and Karter’s “special” pictures.  Another was with Jacob and Ace running with a hose as a dog chased them. It was a bit blurry but you could still laugh at it.  

“Makes me kinda sad, i miss these times.” Jacob said, looking at a picture. “Me too, Jacob. Even looking at any of these, i see your mothers face in every shot.” Katherine smiled. Adrian held onto a small picture of one of Ace’s school pictures. Middle school. Adrian sighed and stood up.

“I’m going to check on Ace.” Adrian walked down the hall and stopped at the stairs. A small nagging feeling overwashed him as he looked up. Shaking it off as nothing, Adrian continued to go upstairs.   Now having a wet rag and clean bandages, Adrian slowly opened the door to Ace’s room. The kid was turn on his side asleep. Quiet music played in his ears as he didn’t hear Adrian walk beside him and sit on the side of the bed. Adrian smiled and took the earbuds out, setting the ipod aside, Adrian slowly moved Ace onto his back. Undoing his old bandages, Adrian didn’t want to wake him. Already knowing he woke up, Adrian swore he saw Ace’s arm move.  

In time, Ace’s arm swung and hit Adrian in the face, shoving him onto the ground. Adrian groaned as he looked up to see Ace sitting up, growling at him.  “Hey baby.” Adrian said, smiling at Ace.  realising to who it was, Ace put a hand over his mouth. “Oh god, i’m sorry. I thought you were Jacob.” standing up, Adrian shook his head. “No, it’s not. I just came here to change your bandage.” sitting back on the bed, Adrian made Ace sit down than on his knees. Taking off the rest of the bandage, Adrian took the rag  dabbed the two still red bite marks on Ace’s neck.  

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