Chapter 10

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Republic Of The Shadow Walkers - Naomi's perspective

Rubbing my temples, I was trying to stop images from flowing through my mind. The thing about having a vivid imagination was the fact that you were able to pull scenes from nowhere, it seemed.

That was a blessing… But also a curse. At the moment?

It definitely seemed to be a curse.

I could almost see flames burning down Langdale, and everything in it. I could almost see cities in Pyolangi, Emeraldia, and Deolark being destroyed as well. Along with the images of dead soldiers scattered across an enormous battlefield, dirt stained scarlet from bloodshed, innocents being slain, loved ones dying-

I really need to stop thinking about all that.

Focusing on the fact that both of my siblings were returning soon, I tried to rid myself of the morbid and dark thoughts. Bethany and Tim. Bethany and Tim. Focus on them.

I focused on the way Bethany could intimidate most people by giving just one death glance, on the way that Tim could make anyone smile with one expression of silliness.

The way Tim could goof around one moment and be serious the next if he needed to, the way Bethany could defeat practically anyone she dueled with her katanas and swift reflexes.

My calming thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I said coolly, all calmed down from when the images of blood and death were flowing through my brain.

“Tis Bethany, you twit.” The voice of my sister answered me.

“Come in, Beth. Long time no see,” I nodded at her, acknowledging her presence before closing my eyes for a moment. “When is Tim coming?”

“Oh, he got back with the rest of the military yesterday. He said he'd go to his place, freshen up, get something to eat, etc. So, he should be here soon, since he told me that over 10 hours ago, and it takes about 2 or 3 to get here from Sonraeria."

“Good, so he’s not dead. That's a plus anytime,” I smiled. “When he gets here, we can start talking about more important stuff. Brownie?” I offered her a treat from a plate on the edge of my desk.

Bethany was an... Interesting person. One could say that she was like me, but also unlike me in a lot of ways.

She shared several traits with me: brave, fluent in sarcasm, introverted, reckless at times, and skilled with a katana. However, she was also very irritable, severely prickly and hostile sometimes, had some anger issues, and didn't show her emotions very often.

Well, except for her anger and irritation. Those were the only emotions of hers that were frequently shown.

She also looked nothing like me: her natural brown hair was almost always dyed black with red streaks, dark brown eyes, and also very tall.

I was the average height for a thirty-year-old, but Bethany was very tall for her age. And it certainly didn't help that she wore high heels a lot.

However, we shared the same skin tone (which was extremely pale... Not sure where that trait came from, but it came from somewhere in our family line), and our eyes looked the same, minus the color.

“Sure, why the heck not?” She took one, and we waited.

And waited. And waited.

Bethany and I started to hum elevator music to ourselves, since it seemed to fit the moment.

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