Chapter 20

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The Demanian Plateau, Southern Deolark
Area 11, EraTree

"Terrorism in the Southern Deolark rises. All provinces named are instructed to evacuate into the nearest evacuation center: Antus, Gandhi, Ganeth, Malia, Nonvu, Odsvky, Pomnpi, Rhubhiu, Rogheim, Zhel, Islands of Fior and Zvyksu."

"The Prime Minister has declared Martial Law in Southern Deolark, and everyone has been commanded to shoot any terrorist that comes in sight."

"The province of Corpis has fallen. The casualty was estimated to be 4,000. 2,500 have died and the remaining are either wounded or lost."

"The Bhukhra Palace has fallen."

"Ganeth is currently being attacked by terrorists. According to SDP Director Han Finn, the fog of the fallen country Vaprid Realms made it harder to fight the terrorists. Millions of buildings were set on fire."

"Poultry and Meat price has raised due to a disease currently in study by the Deolark Health Organization."

"Breaking News! The Republic of Shadow Walkers have declared war against Pyolangi, South Emeraldia, and The Republic of Deolark."

"Pyolangi Prime Minister Chauncey Fitzgerald assassination failed, country currently in Martial Law."

Dark tuned the radio to FM, but the news was still blaring out of the radio. He sighed and turned it off, then inserted a cord to a random cellphone and opened the music app. He found nothing.

"Wait, why doesn't this phone have any music?"

"It's for necessary uses. Duh!"

Dark sighed and went to YouMusic and played Canon in D and finally closed his phone. He walked to a room in Eratree and sat on a swivel chair.

The building was made of tin and iron bars. The floors were made of concrete and the doors were of dark blue tinted glass. There were no windows, which scared Dark because windows were meant to bring fresh air, right? And fresh air comes from trees. And the building's name comes from trees. Dark really doesn't get it.

He glanced at his laptop and sighed once again. There's nothing he can do. What the hell is going on with Naomi's mind? Is she some crazy warfreak gal or she's just bored and wants to show off her brave ass like Harley Quinn or something? And there goes Pyolangi, the dead comes back from the grave. Duh, cliché plot as heck. It has been showcased by lots of movies with different execution. An example was Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead (that movie was as old as Morgan Freeman's career), or any other movie or show with cadavers' hands appearing in graves. He still wonders how can weak bodied, decaying zombies can wreak their wooden or concrete or iron boxes. Like, what?! Plot hole detected.

Speaking of zombies, Leo's body haven't been spotted yet. And his disappearance also defies everything about nature and science and heaven and the Scriptures. Reincarnation? Probably. Or maybe he's a magician with his bunny hole under his deadbox. That's possible. Or maybe not.

The terrorism's getting worst. Maybe he should call Dave and make him hack every radio to make a shoutout to Leo and tell him, "Hey, get in here dumbass, we have some brains for you. Don't drool on the radio." Possible! He quickly turned on the microphone on his birchwood table and called on Dave to come to his office with his laptop and 'haxxer skillz.'

As of the moment, he needs to watch some kitten videos to calm himself. Wait, he thought. I should be with the soldiers fighting terrorists. What the heck am I doing?

The door budged and Dave appeared. He looked very much sad and panicked and tired and sleepy and all. He even grew a small mustache. Gosh, he's taking all this seriously. Wait, shouldn't I too?

"What's with people ruining my sleep?"

"This is urgent."

"I know, but I need some medium dark coffee."

The coffee machine made a 'ting!' sound. Dave raised an eyebrow and looked at it, then he looked at Dark.

"Seriously? Kyle?"

Dark muffled, then bursted into laughter. Dave went to the coffee machine, then he held the cup, cursed because "it's too hot," then placed it on Dark's table.

"So?" he said, then took a sip on the coffee. He grimaced.

"I want you to hack every single channel in the world you get, whether radio, audio, television, telegraph, cellphone, mobile phone, Iphone, apple, laptop, wifi router or just plain broadcast and video me."

"That takes time . . ."

"Just do it, or else . . ."

"Or else . . . what?"

". . . or else Southern Deolark's gonna be deleted in the political map."

•  •  •

Leo's breathing heavily from all the running. He was almost seen by Naomi. They couldn't see him yet, or else the world's gonna be crazy and scientists will take a study of him and they'll treat him as a cadaver, or worse, a zombie. He went straight to the café once again to look for Jan, and he found her in her familiar black Hello Kitty car. Jan went out, and it would've scared Leo if Jan didn't waved and made the Star Wars (or was it Star Trek?) alien symbol. She dyed her hair white, or light grey, with the tips in blue and is already curly. She was tanned, and her scar in her nose was fixed. She wore a black Hello Kitty dress and leather boots cut to the ankle.


"Hi Jan!"

They both hugged and kissed each other's cheeks, then she lead him to the car. Leo undressed his civilian clothes and it would've looked like another episode of Fake Taxi if he didn't dress a Black Hello Kitty cloth. What's with the Black Hello Kitty?

"So, umm . . . what's the problem?" Leo placed some powder on his face, faced the mirror, and put on some black eyeshadows. He placed the 'Prime Minister' earrings which identified him. He looked like the usual Prime Minister, except for the Black Hello Kitty clothes.

"Deolark's in trouble."


"Deolark's in trouble! You need to show yourself or else the Southern Deolark and all the remaining islands would be erased from the Political M—" Her phone rang. "Look at my phone!"

She threw the phone to the back seat, and Leo caught it just as they drifted. She put on the extra windows tinted in black, so that they wouldn't be seen and they'd stay anonymous.

Leo looked at the phone, which displayed a video of Dark, who looked a lot more better than his appearance during the Radish Raid, speaking.

"This is Kyle Dela Torre, Deolark's Prime Minister," he spoked. "We are putting 1 billomega over Leonardo Reid, the ex-Prime Minister of Deolark. Dead or Alive. Do not shoot if alive. Do not tamper if dead. Give us the body."

Leo swallowed and cold sweat poured from his forehead.

"Leo, if you're watching this, please come back. The country needs you at the moment."

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