Chapter 17

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City of Vepton, Vepton Republic, Pyolangi

Glitch stepped down on his plane. The moment he stepped down, he shivered, clinged on his winter coat, and shielded his body. The cold breeze blew against his face that felt like winter, even though it was fall. But even then, he saw unseasonal snow carpet the city. Even though it was early in the morning on his watch, the skies gave off moonlight, as if the sun never rose. His eyes met the city skyline. Although it wasn't as tall as Bergenheim's, the structures with varying stories not higher than ten levels, crowded the skyline, lighting it with both incandescent and fluorescent lights.

He blocked his ears as he walked off the airplane and towards the airport, where his companion was waiting. He carried the food aid himself, which was a sack in which he had to drag across the runway. Personally, he would've asked for a coolie to carry his stuff, but he didn't want the food aid to disappear as he suspected.

He wanted to give the food aid himself.

When he finally got to his companion's car, he closed the door, and saw a man with blond hair and blue eyes -- a typical look of someone with Heimmen descent.

"Welcome to Vepton, Glitch!" he greeted. "What's with the heavy crap?"

He shrugged. "Food aid."

"I thought you sent one yesterday?"

"I thought so too. But I suspect that these aids are going nowhere other than Vepton, so I decided I'll be giving it myself."

"Watch out for the assassins and the revolutionists, though. This city was in turmoil since last week."

As the car rumbled, Glitch observed the surroundings and structures one by one.

Mark was right. The economy is going south. He thought as he observed closed markets and shops and the emptiness of the streets, a complete opposite of the last time he went here. But he remembered what he came here for: to help.

Well, aside from convincing people to vote him in the elections.

He also wondered how was Persundheim doing. He left the Premier in charge as he headed for Vepton, which was seriously in need of aid right now. However, he wonder. . . even though he was with the Premier after the nukes have been dropped, would he ever do something and backstab him? I certainly hope not. . . We already have a war at our disposal. We don't want another civil war.

Something inside him, though, tells him that things are about to get worse from here.

After what seemed like an eternity, driving through Vepton's frozen roads and civil riots and traffic jams, he finally arrived at Vepton Square, which was actually the city's auditorium.

The moment he stepped out of the car, he nodded thanks to Mark. "Also can you stay here with the food aid?"

"Sure. Anything to serve the Prime Minister." He then winked. Heh. . . Might not be the Prime Minister soon, if I lose the elections.

Instead, he just replied, "Pfft."

He shut the door, and landed his eyes on Vepton Square. Tall, rectangular, white modern columns stood as the entrance to the hallway. Ahead loomed a glass door, flocked with people, most notably his supporters. Some even wore shirts with his face on it. He smiled for a little bit.

At the same time, he felt his heart beat rise up again. Speaking in front of crowds was something he wasn't used to until he entered politics.

But hey, what else can he do? Abruptly quit his position as Prime Minister? Don't think so.

After all, he only has to speak, right?


Glitch felt something pierce his jaw as he registered a gunshot. He winced and cried in pain and felt something land on his jawbone, knocking him back, with his vision getting fuzzy as he observed the crowd around him quickly disintegrate and scream. In almost an instant, people passed him like a wave washing him off.

"Prime Minister!"

He could hear Mark's voice, although it sounded even fainter, only hearing screams of various pitches from the panicking public.

As if that wasn't enough, he felt something else pierce his knees. He kneeled in pain. As soon as he did, he could see nothing else.

* * * * *

"We just received this report from the city of Vepton.

Early today in the morning, an unknown and untracked sniper just shot the Prime Minister on the way to Vepton Square to campaign for his re-election of Prime Minister.

The shooting caused panicking among citizens who are in Vepton Square. Although the Prime Minister was unconscious, Mark Auckson, one of his close friends, brought him to Vepton General Hospital. As of now, we are still denied access to the hospital as it is on full alert. We tried contacting Mark for his comment regarding what happened, but he denied.

In response to the shooting, the director of Vepton Republic placed the said republic under red alert status, the highest emergency status that can be declared by a director. The authorities had closed down Vepton Square, as well as any other public place in the city.

As of now, the Prime Minister still remains on Vepton General Hospital. It is unclear whether he is conscious or not."

The Premier gave a small smirk as he looked at the news.

Step one complete.

* * * * *


Sorry if this was short... I wasn't in the mood to write this, but I had to.

What will happen next? What will become of Nathan and Rhine? Will Pyolangi face the threat of invasion? Find out next time on Chasing Chaos!

That's it from me, everyone!

That's it from me, everyone!

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