Chapter 8

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SE- Ry's POV

Oh, dang.

That was the first thing that went through my head when I saw the post on Facebook.

She attacked another country?! This is going too far!

I went straight to my messages with Naomi, copying the link as I left that painful website. I knew now that I couldn't trust Naomi... for a fact.

Some sort of thought was nagging at the back of my head, but I pushed it back quickly. There was no mistaking what the conversation had been about. She'd attacked a country. Pyolangi, at that.

But you only heard her side of the conversation, I could imagine Andrew saying.

I whipped around, looking for him. I could've sworn I'd just heard him... maybe I was just hallucinating again.

What is the meaning of this?! I typed, pasting the link. Hesitantly, I added, I hope you have a good explanation.

That second part never sent. I cut it and sent my original message, heart pounding. If she really had done what I believed she had, I might have no choice but to send an assassination party.

Goodness knows that'll be a last resort. But I'm really being pushed to that right now...

Shaking my head, I stood and walked to the window, looking out over the capital. Off toward the fountain in the center of the city, I saw one of my other friends, Quinncy. She'd been a part of the Radish Land until Andrew had snapped her out of the stuff Todd had given her...

No, too painful. That just brings me back to the good times, before the Republic.

My phone buzzed. I glanced at it and saw that it was a text from Dark.

Did you see that post?!

Yeah, I replied. I already confronted her.

Are you planning anything?

Maybe, I admitted. I feel bad, but the problem is that we might have no choice for peace.


Someone knocked. I called, "Who is it?" without looking back.


"Come in."

Sapphire came in and walked to my side. She looked at my phone, which was still on the conversation.

"Oh, crap. There was a post?"

Wordlessly, I handed her the phone and showed her the video. Sapphire frowned in concern.

"There might have been other stuff going on, or the person who recorded is trying to turn you against her," Sapphire suggested.

I sighed. "I knew you'd say that. Sapphire, I'm really concerned."

"Don't let your fear make you do something horribly idiotic," Sapphire warned. "You've been known to do that."

"Hey, I did it one time a long time ago," I defended myself.

"Remind me what started the civil war."

"...okay, two times. Sapphire, that one was more because I didn't want this country split."

"Which it was anyway," she pointed out. "Check yourself before you wreck yourself."

"Dang it, don't use some person's quote against me," I groaned.

Sapphire smirked, then her face grew serious again. "You can make the plans, but just remember... maybe you should wait."

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