Chapter Eight: Fortuna Major

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I watched in amazement as the empty plates and bowls on the table were filled with delicious looking food, most of which I didn't recognise. I watched as everyone else filled their plates with whatever they wanted and started eating, knowing that I was not allowed to do so too.
"Ivory, why aren't you eating?" Ginny asked. "You really ought to, you don't look like you've eaten anything for days!"
I shook my head and said quietly "I'm not hungry."

Just then, someone came over — Malfoy.
"Not you again," I groaned. "What do you want now?"
"I was simply coming to inform you that your father is not going to be happy," he sneered.
"I know that already, thanks," I said, biting my lip as I realised what Father and Mother were going to do to me on Sunday. "Go away, Malfoy."
"Oh, one more thing. This is from my father," he said, punching me in the face so hard that I felt my nose break, and saw blood dripping down onto the table. Then he left, still smirking, and went back to the Slytherin table, where the two boys from the carriages were waiting for him, laughing.

I saw Professor McGonagall hurry over, and I quickly fixed my nose with 'episkey' and tried to get as much blood off me as possible.
"Riddle!" she said in a worried voice. "Are you alright?"
I nodded and muttered "Yeah, that's nothing... I'm fine, Professor."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded again, not saying anything this time, wondering why she was being so nice to me.
"Very well."

As she went back to the teacher's table I saw her talk to the headmaster, looking over to me every now and again, still visibly worried.
"Are you sure you're ok, Ivory?" Ginny said, also looking worried. "Malfoy punched you really hard!"
"And I bet Snape won't even give him detention," I growled.
"How do you know?" said Hermione, looking slightly confused.
"Well, if I know Snape, he'll probably just be pleased that someone finally punched me in the face."
"But he's never even met you before!"
"He's friends with the Malfoys, of course he has," said Harry suddenly. "And I'm sure he'll be punished, McGonagall's told Dumbledore now."

"How comes he doesn't like you, anyway? Malfoy, I mean," Ron asked. "I mean, you're You Know Who's daughter, surely he should be respecting you? My dad says that Malfoy's father is right in You Know Who's inner circle!"
"I don't know, really. I've just never liked him and he never liked me."
"And why does Snape hate you?" questioned Ginny.
"Because Malfoy does, I suppose," I answered, aware that those answers were complete lies. Malfoy and Snape both hate me because that is the accepted thing in the Manor.

"What lessons have we got tomorrow? Hermione asked, changing the subject quickly.
"Divination, Transfiguration, double Herbology with the Hufflepuffs, then double Care of Magical Creatures with the Slytherins," I replied promptly. I had been trying to learn my timetable by heart while the others were eating.
"Why aren't you eating anything, Ivory?"
"I'm not hungry. I told you that before Malfoy came over."

I opened up my purse and thrust my arm into it, trying to find my copy of Hogwarts: A History, giggling as the others stared in astonishment when I finally pulled it out.
"Undetectable extension charm," I said, still giggling. "It's quite simple really, once you've got the theory right."
I opened up my book at a random page and started to read, blocking out everything except the words on the paper.

When I looked up again, almost everyone had left, and Ron, Harry, and Hermione were with Professor Hagrid.
"Congratulations, Hagrid!" Hermione was squealing at the teacher's table. I put my book away and went over, standing a couple of meters apart from the little group.
"All down ter you three," Professor Hagrid replied, wiping his eyes with a napkin. "Can' believe it... great man, Dumbledore... came straight down to me hut after Professor Kettleburn said he'd had enough... it's what I always wanted..."
Apparently overcome with emotion, he buried his face in his napkin, and Professor McGonagall shooed the trio away, motioning for me to follow them.

I walked with them obediently, joining up with the rest of the Gryffindors by a picture of a fat lady in a pink dress.
"Coming through, coming through!" someone called from behind us. "The new password's Fortuna Major!"
"Oh no," said Neville, sounding sad. I guessed he forgot the password a lot.

Suddenly, the painting swung forwards like a door, and everyone started to walk in, through the common room, and up some steps. I followed Hermione into the third year girl's dormitory where there were five four-poster beds, each with red hangings, and climbed into the only empty one, where I lay thinking. I was glad I was at Hogwarts at last, but I was also worried that I wasn't in Slytherin; in fact, I was in Gryffindor, Slytherin's rival house. Mother and Father were going to kill me, or torture me at the very least. I turned over in my bed, listening to the other girls' deep, even breathing as they slept.

About three hours later, I gave up on the idea of sleep altogether, grabbed Intermediate Transfiguration from the pile of books beside me, and crept quietly down to the common room. It was a round room, with lots of comfortable looking armchairs and a dying fire, which made it look very cosy. I sat down in the chair nearest the fire and started to read, only looking up when I had finished the book. I checked the clock on the wall — it was 5am. I sighed, realising I wouldn't be able to go to sleep now or I'd miss Divination, then got up and went to get ready for my first day of school.

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