Chapter Eighteen: Scars

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"I have come to express concerns about the wellbeing of one of the students, Headmaster," Lupin said, eyeing my right jumper sleeve again.
"Indeed?" Dumbledore asked, looking at me suspiciously.
I sighed. Evidently he was not as accepting of the fact I was not like my parents as the other Professors and most of the students were.

Lupin motioned for me to pull up my sleeve, which I did, revealing the many scars and the word scum, which was still bleeding. I winced as I looked at it; it looked worse in the bright light of the office than it had in the relatively dark carriage.
Dumbledore's eyebrows raised in shock, but he quickly returned his face back to a calm expression and said, "Let me have a look."
I walked over to him, trying not to show how much pain I was in, and he took my arm lightly.

"This has been done by your mother, I presume?"
I nodded slowly, looking anywhere except at my arm.
"I'm afraid we can't heal this," he continued.
I nodded again.
"I know, sir," I said quietly, thinking about all the healing spells I'd tried to use on my other cuts.

"Show me your other arm, Miss Riddle," he said suddenly.
I quickly rolled up my other sleeve, revealing yet more scars, and the words Property of Lord Voldemort.
"I forgot about that," I muttered, stroking the words with my finger a little sadly.

Lupin looked shocked, far more shocked than he had been when I had returned to Hogsmeade. Dumbledore just looked angry, though at whom, I didn't know.
"How could you forget you had that cut into your arm?" Lupin asked me, his voice betraying the emotions I could tell he was trying to hide.
I shrugged my shoulders and said nothing, not wanting to admit that I had grown used to the constant pain that came with having a body covered in scars; not wanting to admit that I was so used to being cut, I'd lost track of what scars I had and where they were.

I felt someone trying to go into my head and quickly used occlumency to keep them out. Looking up, I saw Dumbledore had fixed his shocked eyes on me again. I knew in an instant it had been him.
"Decided you can't trust me, sir?" I asked in a quiet voice, trying to stay calm.

Suddenly, I felt a rush of pain go through my body, a type of pain that I had come to know well. It only happened when my father was at his angriest. I closed my eyes and focused completely in forcing the pain out of me, pushing my skill at occlumency to its limit. It took about ten seconds to work, and I opened my eyes again when the pain had stopped. The first thing I saw was Dumbledore looking at me worriedly.
"Are you ok, Miss Riddle?" he asked.
I didn't reply, still trying to keep the pain out. It was easier to stop the pain entering my body when I wasn't being affected by it, but it was still exhausting to use such a difficult branch of magic.

It seemed to go on for hours. When my father had finally calmed down, I tentatively reduced the amount of occlumency power I was using, then removed my defences altogether, letting out a quiet, shaky breath as I did so.
"Ivory? Are you ok?" Lupin said, sounding worried.
I nodded and put my left arm into my purse, trying to find a Draught of Peace.
What if they come to find me?!
As my fingers closed on the potion and I pulled it out, I saw Dumbledore and Lupin's confusion increase. I quickly checked the label on the vial to make sure it was the right potion, which it was, then drunk it down, instantly feeling less anxious.
"That's better," I said quietly, putting the empty vial back into my purse. Then, on seeing Dumbledore and Lupin's expressions, I hurriedly said, "Draught of Peace."

I felt blood dripping from my arm onto my jumper; looking down at my two new scars, I saw they were both still bleeding.
"How much do you have in that purse, Miss Riddle?" Dumbledore asked.
"Quite a lot, sir..." I replied awkwardly, putting my hand into the purse again and pulling out some bandages, which I wrapped around my right arm a little haphazardly.
"We'll have to get you a Blood-Replenishing potion, Ivory," said Professor Lupin, looking at the huge bloodstains on my sleeves.
I quickly pulled one out and put it on Dumbledore's desk, then I sighed as an almighty crash! came from inside the purse.

"What was that, Miss Riddle?" Dumbledore asked, sounding slightly shocked.
"I think it was the potions, sir." I said, peering into the purse and groaning. "It was... and the shelves as well, that'll take me ages to clear up..."
"Miss Riddle, please drink that Blood-Replenishing potion and then go to see Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing," Dumbledore instructed, shaking his head slightly. "Professor Lupin, you stay here. I want a word."
Lupin and I both nodded. I quickly drunk the potion, then stuffed my purse into my pocket and walked up to the hospital wing.

(A/n: Sorry this chapter's so short, it somehow took me 2 days to write it because I kept getting distracted)

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