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09 - 06 - 1989

dear diary,

it's now 3AM. i know i should be sleeping right now - but, i just can't. my thoughts kept me up the whole night and now i just can't stop thinking.

while i was pondering, i realized that i had to come out to my friends at some point. i just can't just keep it a secret forever - right? i never keep a secret from them; especially richie. richie is my bestest friend in the whole world. yes, i know bestest is not a word; but that's not the point. anyway, richie is also my crush. although his dirty and corny jokes are annoying all the time, they never fail to make me laugh. i have to hide my laugh though or he'll tease me about it.

anyway, enough of richie and back to the topic. i really feel like i have to come out. i know it shouldn't be now though. i have to feel comfortable before i tell them. i also have to get ready for every possible reaction that they might give me. i just really hope they're not homophobic though. i love all of them to death and it would just hurt me immensely if they are.

i'm going to ask them later this afternoon if they're homophobic (so i can get ready). it might take some time to come out - but i guess that's okay. after all, it's basically just me saying 'i like boys and not girls' in the end.

my eyes are droopy now. goodnight.

with love,

OOF. hey y'all i'm sorry for not updating hAHA jdnans i had exams and school is very stressful. we were supposed to have a test on history today but school was cancelled lmaaaao apparently, there was supposed to be a storm today but it's REALLY sunny i- djajd iT HASNT EVEN RAINED YET. it's also friday today and we have no classes for a whole week next week so get ready for some uPdAtEs.

trec 🌈

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